Showing posts with label Sam the man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam the man. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Samuel's play list

 King of Random

How to Build a Mini Flamethrower! TKOR Makes The Best DIY Flamethrower Using A Fire Extinguisher!

Daily Dose of Internet

This Animal Is On Your Face Right Now

Mark Rober

Building the Perfect Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Shark Attack Test- Human Blood vs. Fish Blood

How it should have ended

How Avengers Infinity War Should Have Ended - Animated Parody

Mr. Beast

Eating A $10,000 Golden Steak (24k Gold)

Dude Perfect

Ping Pong Trick Shots 3 | Dude Perfect

Brave Wilderness

Stung by Giant Hornet

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 46?

Distance learning week 2 day 3. I'm losing my EVER LOVING MIND!

I did the math. I have 4 kids, that's 2 hours a day, times 4, equals 8. Let me double-check because I've been instructed we always double-check 4x2=8 HOURS!!! Holy crap how are moms across the country doing this every day? OK, let me be honest... I would never spend that amount of time on schoolwork with my kids, but the amount they are assigning would equate to about that much. So we've been skipping the "specials" like P.E., music, and library. I figure we go on a walk and they listen to music on nightly drives with Dad. Shouldn't reading through their assignments count as library time? I know, that's very crass of me.. but I'm getting crass with all the rules!
However, even one hour per kid is challenging! YEP 4 kids, no kidding! They have been told it's OK to take breaks, don't stress. While I agree with keeping things chill and not stressing, it's frustrating when one kid will do a little bit of work and desire a break, then wait till I'm busy with dinner to want to finish their school assignments. That said, the assignments between the two littles have been stacking up. I feel like I'm drowning!
Let me vent about math, my favorite subject. LOL (2nd grade... have yet to look at Sam's 5th-grade assignments this week. I'd like to be that mom... teach the ways of math. How to carry the one. Yikes, I know others before me have tried and failed. Today, 2nd graders reminded teachers to follow the instructions on new math, those that don't toe the line will have to try again. Considering they record answers, I also, had to learn how to add "friendly" numbers with "big hops" and "little hops". I'm finally getting it! :) 
Emma using sass and confidence teaches New Math....


Learning new long division with Samuel

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Christian 18th Birthday Party!

I love his beautiful curly hair! I like it even more now that it's not past his chin ;) 💗 These brothers love each other so much!! 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

2020 Quarantine Day -

A couple of weeks ago, I was explaining to Sam how the Coronavirus was killing elderly and medically fragile people more than young healthy individuals. He shared an interesting insight after I explained how the immune system works (ie.. your neck has adenoids that fill up with "fighter cells" when you have a cold). He said something like this...

"What I think is happening is the immune system of older people or people who are already sick, is that their immune system is already on high alert so it goes overboard."

Thursday, March 19, 2020

2020 Quarantine- Day 8

For the past few days, I've done nothing but snuggle with Sam and watch lots of movies; Star Wars, Marvel, DC, and YouTube. And give lots and lots of back-rubs. The muscle aches and cough are the worst symptoms of this flu. I'm pleasantly surprised no one else in the family has caught this horrible virus.
 I confirmed today with Baskin Robins that they will still be open and Emma's cake will be ready. I also received my first online/pick-up order from Fred Meyers today. I was not surprised to find that many of the items on my order were out of stock! I ventured into the store to check if they had re-stocked TP... NOPE! Good thing we have a bit of a stockpile, but it won't last forever!

2020 Quarantine - Day 7

Today Sam's fever came back along with increased ear pain, so we've decided to start the antibiotics. When Sam is sick, particularly when in pain, he is the grumpiest grump ever! After his Tylenol and back rub, he slept most of the day. I hate to say it because I know he feels horrible, but once he feels better there is gonna be a lot more unrest in this house. I don't know if unrest is the word I want, but definitely more loud fun, and nasty fights for sure. One kid down makes a huge difference in a family of six under quarantine in a small house.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 5

Taking Sam into the clinic was something out of a movie, the usually busy parking lot was bare. Upon entering the building an employee stopped us to ask a few questions such as, do you have a cough, are you experiencing shortness of breath? Sam still had a bad cough and was given a mask. In the pediatric department, only one other family was waiting to be seen. I was grateful to see it wasn't busy, that was our biggest concern about going in. I offered my phone for Sam to play on but he just wanted to sit and mope. We were called back right away by a nurse in full PPE (personal protection equipment, an acronym we all now know). While being evaluated they must have changed gloves 10 times! No wonder there are now shortages everywhere! Take history; change gloves, take BP and temperature; change gloves, type results in the computer; change gloves. In the end, the doctor couldn't tell me if his ear pain was bacterial or viral. Said it could go either way and gave me a prescription "just in case." Hmm, isn't that what I suggested in the first place? The good news that came out of the visit, I convinced them to do a flu test. A short time later we received the call that confirmed Sam tested positive for influenza A. While it sucks he caught this horrible flu bug, it's a blessing to know it will be over soon!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 2

Sam is sick, very sick! High fever and body aches, just plain miserable. Phoned the advice line and was given the typical advice: Tylenol, hydrate, rest, etc. Then there was the added advice, to call back immediately if he starts to have shortness of breath. I asked to have him tested for the coronavirus but was told there are no tests, not even for those in the hospital! I'm not too worried, as I know the odds are in his favor that this is just a bad cold or flu. I am concerned however with how lethargic he is. Dane and I take turns giving him back massages to help ease his muscle aches. Needless to say, we check on him often throughout the night to see how he's breathing. A scary time to be sick!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Happy 8th Birthday Samuel!

Grandpa W* put together an amazing map that led to the treasure.
The rain did not detour these adventurers! 

The archaeological dig was a hit! 

The kids all loved their treasure chests! Sam decorated 3, and I did the rest. ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hair cut x4

Christian … 

Teeny bit off the top! 

The littles . . .  

Just below the ears! If too long Ga Ga and sister will give me pigtails! 

Faux hawk, please! 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015!

We braved the pouring rain to collect as much candy as possible!

Emma - Sofia the First
Sam - Indian Jones
Maddy - A Shadow 
Christian - Teen w/a green mask 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Word of the day - asynchronous

[ey-sing-kruh-nuh s] 

not occurring at the same time.
(of a computer or other electrical machine) having each operationstarted only after the preceding operation is completed.
Computers, Telecommunications. of or relating to operation without theuse of fixed time intervals (opposed to synchronous ).

I Samuel gifted? He shows so many traits that's it's hard to ignore. While it delights me to know he is above average intellectually, it worries me the hard times he may face being advanced in this area but not in others. I've learned a lot about gifted children in the past few weeks, enough to make me want to be prepared for what ever may lay ahead. I already have many joys and difficulties with Sam's temperament, intellect, and sense of self. With all the many tasks and hurdles at hand, I'm adding the assessment of finding out whether Sam is gifted. Once armed with this information, I can learn more about how to better parent this brilliant child. 
One thing so far I've learned is that gifted children often mature out of sync. This seems to be the case with Sam. Unlike kids his age he loves to theorize & analyze constantly, yet is trapped in the body of a 7 yr old boy.

Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them to develop optimally.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bad boys, bad boys!

These two were delighted to have Uncle W* visit in his police car! Sam was full of questions and Emma pushed lots of buttons.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sam - "Can you give me a dream?" - Because we said so!

Sam got in trouble tonight, again. Dane brought him to bed before he was ready and he was having a fit! Flailing about saying he was still hungry and wanted to eat cereal. I said fine, but no TV while you eat. His tantrum intensified, saying things like.

"Life isn't fair!"

"You're the meanest Mommy ever!"

"I don't love you anymore!"

"I want to go live with GaGa!"

I tried to settle him down with the promise of a back rub and then with threats of grounding off all electronics (he loves YouTube, any show that blows things up). After this amount of time, my other children would have passed out from crying, but he was still pissed. I had to come up with something else to calm this child of mine. So I began to explain that we all have rules for a reason.

"Do you think Emma would understand that cars could squish her like a bug..that is why we have a rule to hold our hands while we walk to the car", I said.

Here's where I had fun changing things up a bit.

"Do you know what happens to little boys who eat food past..."  Looked at the time, "Eek, oh no, do you have any idea what time it is?"

At this point, Sam got interested in my obvious ploy to get him in a better mood for bed. I bit my knuckles.

"10 oh 3! That's 3 minutes past the guarding cereal aliens!" "Oh no I've said too much, you must go to sleep, they'll be here any second to check if you're asleep!"

We had fun with this for a bit... then I told him I'd write this story. Yes, I type pretty fast and the tapping of the keys sent him into dreamland where I'm sure he'll dream of alien abductions and cereal spoons.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday Samuel!

All he wanted for his birthday was a tuxedo, silly Sam (picture of him in tux to follow). Every day his pint-sized brain grows smarter. Watch out this kid can either shoot you with his fast draw, make you his minion, talk your ear off, or kill you with kindness! He keeps me on my toes and makes me smile every day. I love you, Sam!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sweet mornings

Maddy waking ME up singing... 

"Good morning, time to get up!"

What a change from me pulling blankets off her and bugging her every morning with the song... "Good morning sunshine, time to get out of bed!" Guess she decided to play Freaky Friday that morning.

Sam snuggled in bed Saturday morning.

"Sam, I wake you with a back rub every morning before school, do you think you can give me one today?"

Grumpy Sam - "No!" Exits my bed, and leaves me bummed.

10 minutes later.. a sweet change of heart.

"I'm sorry Mom, you deserve back rubs too."

He gave me the most epic back massage, that boy has talent!

Christian having his first Jr. High girlfriend has its perks.

Lately, I don't have to tell him twice to get out of bed, nor do I have to remind him to brush his teeth every morning.

Poor Emmalyn always strapped in the freezing car seat while I take her siblings to school each morning. 

Emma - "I stay wit Brobber"

Me - "Christian has to go to school."

Emma - "I stay wit Dada"

Me - "Daddy has to go to work."

Emma - "I stay wit Dog."

Sigh... "Come on Emma time to go."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sam - "Can you give me a dream?" - Time machine

Titanic Rescue

Grabbing the mail like we do every morning, you didn't expect a letter with your name on it. The letter simply had The Justice League emblem and a handwritten: "You have the decision to make."
Once at the park, you waited until I was enjoying my book and slipped away. Remembering how just a few months ago you were asked to join the League, you once again found the secret door. All members of the Justice League were sitting around the big round table. Everyone's attention was on a big box in the center of the room.
Superman spoke up. "Sam we created a time machine, but we could not agree on where or when to try it out." "The decision we need you to make... What point in history do you want to go back to to save people?"
Superman flew up trying to get the captain's attention, the iceberg was approaching at lightning speed. Flash tried treading water to slow the ship. Green Lantern blasted a beam of light at the solid iceberg but it was too late the ship crashed right into it. The sound of metal ripping deafened us all.
Superman tried over and over, diving down to the large gash in an attempt to fix it. You Sam, tried calming all the people on board, telling them the League was there to save them. But the ship was quickly sinking and all of their efforts were in vain... the ocean was just too powerful. Fear for everyone on board started to sink into your gut.
The ship broke in half and began to sink, history was not bending to their will. The Justice League tried their hardest to save as many people as they could. You looked over and saw the time machine slide off the deck and splash into the water. Bobbing up and down, you knew it would soon begin to sink.
Once again you had to make a tough decision. Stay and save just a few and be stuck here forever, or go back to the present and save many. You called out to the Justice League to get into the time machine before it was too late. Superman, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Batman, there is no time to waste we have to GO!
Once home Superman spoke up...
"There is no way to change the past." "We have to focus on the here and now!" When we focus our efforts on the past we take away ourselves from the present."

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Last day of Fall Soccer!

Burrr it gets cold the last days of fall soccer! But it's worth freezing my butt off to watch my silly Sam play soccer. His battle call running up the field, his monster kick-offs, and let us not forget his backward running! His first game he was appalled to wear a pink jersey, but this kid made it work. We shall see if next year he has more interest in the game, as he did this year with socializing. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sam - "Can you give me a dream?"

I love and dread putting Sam to sleep. He is such an energetic little boy, whose mind goes a mile a minute. But once I give him a back rub and a dream he slows down and melts into sleep. Singing the words... "The world loves little Samuel, and you mean the world to me" I'm reminded that all difficult behavior (like today painting a PlayStation controller gold, and "tricking" me into buying candy at the store) are the very things that make me love him. He is an amazing kid who makes me proud, ensures I laugh, and keeps me guessing! Someday he won't want a back rub and a dream, and I will long for the words.. "But why?" "How?" "Please just a little longer."