My written word - for better or worse

Love story

Our love story starts out with a grand adventure and excitement anew. Teenage stolen kisses, butterflies, and this world set aside. Backrubs and naps, turn into endless hours of sleepiness nights and senseless fights. Creeping thoughts seep into separate lives, and ignite the mind's picture of hopelessness and doom. Daydreaming of life set anew, a wishful sunrise in a new view. Drifting apart, love started to fade and the fog crept in to hinder our view. We floated slowly less a faint outline of what was was a a tainted memory, not true. Waves crashed down and we strove to struggle back, back to a place we knew before. Hold on tight this story will come back to life... to someday set the world aside once again, hence anew.

Forget the just messes with what is, and what can be!

Stepping, stepping
never forward
struggling up
slipping back
tired and weary
a whole I ache
inching forward
I glimpse the top
too many more steps
how to keep going
I rest and see the view
beautiful above the fog
determined I step faster


Someday I'll wake snuggled in a bed with pillows all my own
Today I woke to 20 little toes wiggling beneath me

Someday I'll enjoy an organized, tranquil, harmonious home
Today I picked up scattered toys and broke up silly fights

Someday I'll stay up late watching R movies and eating chocolate in bed
Today I sit through hours of Disney and hide the hyper-induced sweets

Someday I'll look in the mirror and care about what I see staring back at me
Today I patiently allow my hair to be pulled, tugged, and loved on

Someday I'll enjoy book binges and research to my heart's content
Today I look for sight words in Cat in the Hat and scour WebMD

Someday I'll have time to relax in a steaming hot bubble bath
Today I wrap towel burritos and chase naked little ones up to bed

Today I love you, I look forward to my someday, when I will miss my yesterdays!


Just a dream figment of my imagination
Wanting a new reality
Time slowed, I saw what I wanted to see
Moments frozen, I felt what I wanted to feel
It was a sweet dream, but tainted with reality
Knowing I would wake up, I started to see the cracks

Awake I see, reality is sweet
Real, untainted by a mirage of perfection
Shaken by the thought of a forever dream
A dream not formed in a reality
Of life's challenges, woes and worries

I wake refreshed to know my reality is..
Treasured, endless, and loved.   -Brandalyn

I know you see my pain

The pain that's split my head and heart
like antlers grown into my skull
like arms bruising my chest

Don't feel guilty, no need for sympathy
it's not yours to carry
it's not yours to fix

I'll be just fine

Just give me time, all things do pass
look away from my eyes
look away from my faults

Let your twitchy arms rest

no need for Superman
no need to rescue

this damsel's not distressed

-Brandalyn 9/12/2014

Torn pieces of me  8/3/2014

I wish I could stop time. So that I may not be torn and only give pieces to my loves. To be whole for each and every one of you.

For my husband

To give myself fully to you. To hold only you, to comfort only you, to be only with you.

For my beautiful Maddy -

To chase away the boredom. To leave my ear only an empathetic mother can. To chase away the fears, and kill all the spiders.

To my independent Christian -

To keep him busy with the things he loves. To influence him to become the man God wants.

For my little Sam -

To teach and mold him. To quench his thirsty brain. To be the Wonder Woman to his Superman.

For my little Emmalyn  -

To protect her fragile feelings. To hold her as she loves to be held. To admire her amazing spirit.

Solitude 8/1/2014

Time 7/29/2014

Someone once told me that God sees time differently than I do.

I feel time  - I love it, I hate it, I'm confused by it.

I try to hold on to time, gripping it to slow it down, PLEASE!
I try to push time, loathing it for not speeding up,  PLEASE!
I often try to let time slip from me, not wanting to be in THIS moment, to freeze, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!

I love the time I have with others, I hate the time I have to myself, and I'm confused by why we are held by time.

I'm fine 7/25/2014

Checking up on someone is hard not to do. Are they okay, what are they feeling, what are they doing? It used to be so easy to know but once hidden the thoughts creep into your mind. Shake your head, the thoughts are still there. Busy yourself, the thoughts are still there. Slip into sleep, the thoughts are still there.
What's worse than this consuming cancer, is knowing the same destruction plagues them. The sting lingers and waits to sting again. Please let these feelings fade, dull, and become a distant hazy memory. 

I'm fine! 

I'm not fine, but I am not broken! 

You see the pieces, I feel the intended picture you want to see
You see the edges, I feel the incomplete core that you want to be filled

I'm not a chameleon, I hide my emotional colors 
If I lose a limb it will not grow back

Emotions and internal feelings are fuzzy and stay out of reach
They bounce and zig-zag, like a teasing toy staying out of grasp

Everyone is unique, I am like no other
Who can say if I am this or that,
think this or that, 
feel this or that

I am who I am, nothing more nothing less. 

Letting people in 7/21/2014

I don't interact with many people, so I rarely get asked questions beyond the usual "How's your day going?" or "Is it still hot outside?" Despite this, I always think of others and how they feel, leading me to compliment or ask questions that make people feel seen, more than just being there. I love making people feel special, noticing their talents, and asking about their interests.

I love learning what makes people happy and figuring out how I could love life a little more or see it through their eyes. However, no one ever asks me. Why? Too busy, or is there nothing interesting about me?

To have that give-and-take of letting people in more than skin deep is called friendship. However, friendships never seem to work out for me - Yes, I'm guarded, but that's not the only reason. When I start letting someone in


“Hello, goodbye.”

When I do let people in, how then do I protect myself? this?

Specifically, when people have feelings I don't want to feel - sadness, resentment, self-loathing. I get attached, feeling the need to help, and my feelings get blurred. Then I don't feel myself anymore.

Broken INFJ 7/29/2014

My broken pieces held together
I smile, laugh, and care for others

Feel them slipping from my fingers
then torn from my grasp, falling to the ground

The broken edges of my heart feel jagged and sharp
Can't stand to feel this pain I've caused

I beg of you to take it, but you cannot
I beg of you to give me a new and fresh pain

Cover it, smother it

This new pain hurts much less
Tolerable, measurable, pleasurable

Stop - Fin

You cannot, will not continue
It hurts to serve this pain I ask

The torn jagged  pieces
pierce my broken heart once again

No one to cover and smother this pain
I scream and claw trying to rip it out myself

How much more can I endure?
Will the pieces fit back together?

Love heals? Time heals?
I'm I worthy? Am I patient?

Cherished Scars 7/16/2014

My past I cannot and would not erase

My experiences and thoughts make me, Me.

My wounds are deep, and will never heal

Pain is a reminder I pray will soon ease! 

My scars left behind I’ll cherish,

They display for me who I was and am now.

Walking forward, the past slips away

Each minute passes the pain slowly fades.

Memories both good and bad conflict my head.

Words left unsaid haunt and torment to no end. 

Within that time I experienced what makes me, Me.

No longer unaware, confused, or afraid!

My pieces back together, broken no more.

I walk forward and dare not look back.

Strong, and ready to be who I have to be.

For I found out who I am, and what makes me Me.

The Storm 7/6/2014

Storm raging all around, waves crashing into your life.
Jesus calm at peace.
We cry out, save us, don't you care?
Jesus lifts his hands and stills the wind, waves, and sky.
Is your faith so weak that you fear the storm?

Oh, what a glorious day that will be! 7/6/2014

Please come, Jesus, let all the suffering end. My heart you know. My patience always lacking. I can only truly love you, I find splitting my heart for others hard. So please grant me the patience, for I know your plan is not my own. You will come on your own time, not mine.

Downfalls 7/13/2014

I care too deeply and hurt immensely.

I'm blind to faults and see only good.

I love indiscriminately, yet don't accept I’m lovable.

I forgive,  yet don't accept forgiveness.

I need to be understood, yet not understand myself.

I feel others' emotions, yet hide my feelings.

Lost in this world, I want to improve, yet know not how.

I have a love of words, but they will never mean enough.

Just Be 7/13/2014

Just be here in His presence.

Look around at all that's beautiful, be thankful.

Look around at all that's ugly, fix them.

Relax and sit, look around, release a breath, and just be!

Move forward one step at a time.

Feelings from the past contradict sadness to happiness.

Feelings in the future look bright but may disappoint.

Look around, take a breath, and just be!

Bleeding to death 6/30/2014

Turning it off, it hurts too bad. Sick of feeling, becoming numb, weak. 

Just Breathe 6/6/2014

An anchor's weight, a force below,

The sunny surface is just a distant glow.

Sinking down, I held tight to my breath,

Seeking, reaching for something to grasp.

Feelings weigh me down, Feelings not my own,

Thrashing, panic begins to sowe.

A hand reaches towards me in that abyss,

I reach out; my anchor slips my grip.

Feelings weigh me down, feelings not my own,

The sting of crip air is newly blown.

Coughing, gagging, I breathe anew,

But panic returns, and back I pursue.

I dive in, the anchor clung to my chest,

Feelings weigh me down, Feelings not my own.

Once again, the struggle persists,

Yet in this cycle, hope must exist! 

The other side of the rainbow 4/26/2014

Someone recently told me they'd looked around my blog and my Facebook page, and my life seemed so perfect. Don't worry it wasn't a stalker! Although I didn't confirm she wasn't a robot. ;)

At first, I said...HA, obviously you don't know me very well! But then I thought about it some more.  Even friends and extended family who know me quite well, don't know the same Brandy my family of 6 knows.

Those who look into what I've shown of my life on this blog and FB will only see what I've wanted and feel comfortable sharing. However, lately, I've realized I no longer care about what others think of me. I want to post EVERYTHING that I'll want to remember about this life!

You've seen the beautiful pictures of "perfect" birthday parties, sunsets on the beach, and my ever-enduring love posts (insert gagging sound). Here's my post on the other side of my rainbow (as much as I'll disclose).

I'm sometimes ugly, gross, stupid, ill-tempered, neglectful, SINFUL!

I'm sometimes UGLY... Especially when I'm mad!

I'm sometimes GROSS... My kids like to point that out.. along with old, replaceable, and other immature things. :)

I'm sometimes STUPID.. aka forgetful, act/say things before I think, fail to consult calendars or Google on important things. Again, my kids love to point this trait out! Never argue with a teen.. they know EVERYTHING!

I'm sometimes ILL-TEMPERED.. which is a nice way of saying  B*tch!

I'm sometimes NEGLECTFUL... Come on, I'm only one person with 1 set of eyes, 1 set of hands.. and 5 family members! Those outside my family don't get much of my time. Sorry if I "forgot" to call you back! :)

sometimes occasionally SIN!

Why disclose that? Because I care how others feel! I want others to know I am not perfect, and to not feel bad about their imperfect lives. We've all got our trials, let's lift up one another!

So to all those that read this.. I am human! Facebook and Blogging are all about sharing our lives with one another and finding connections. Most people don't share the bad and the ugly. And for good reason, who wants to SHARE the bad and the ugly? Who wants to REMEMBER the bad and the ugly? 

I do! 

It's what makes me, me!

Making new friends 4/24/2014

Being a SAHM can be very lonely. Especially when you want to have an adult conversation or see a "grown-up" movie. But making friends and keeping them requires time, my precious, precious time.

They want to "hang out"!??
NO, we can't! The baby has to NAP!!! HE HAS TO NAP!!!

Time was not something I felt I had (heck I didn't even think I had time for a shower). But duh, those friends would have LOVED to come over and snuggle my babies while I took a shower! I had four of them I could have shared. ;)
So the few friends I had made at school and work went on the back burner. A back burner I didn't even keep warm.
I am blessed with an amazing extended family. But that was my only circle, and when faced with difficult times I realized how different we all were. So the years of neglecting old friends and not making new ones caught up to me. I felt very alone during a time when I needed support and love. Family will always put family first, but that doesn't exactly mean we're BFFs.
Since I started my journey of reconnecting with old friends and making myself more available to new ones, I've been lifted up and have lifted up others. What an amazing feeling, it feels good to be there for others! We all have our trials and joys that we want to share with our FRIENDS.

Life isn't always "Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows"

My blog consists of happy moments I want to remember. But my life isn't all....

 I WANT to remember and blog about some of life's trials. The trials that make us stronger and bring us closer as a family.
All 6 of us are who we are based on our DNA and our experiences. It's my job as a mom, and Danes' as head of this family, to model good for our kids. We both came into this relationship with good reasons for our hangups. But when it comes to our family we have to put those reasons aside. Fake it till you make it!

It tells me a lot when the hardest things to model are the very things that trouble my kids. Knowing this makes me try all the more.


Dane and I have always resisted change. Now we're modeling to our children that when you HAVE to make a change, to look for the positive. I'm turning the dial around on my pessimist attitude. Anxiety has always plagued my kids. They're turning out to be worry worse just like me! :(

Anxiety: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.


This one I own all myself. I tend to get upset when things don't go smoothly. But now I realize that when I stay relaxed about things, that sense carries over to the rest of the family. It amazed me to realize that my mood affects the whole family. So unless I want my bad mood times 5, I'd better keep it to myself. This change is evolving rather easily for me. The happier my kids are the happier I am!!!


Dane, Dane, Dane.. or so I thought. Until I spent time reflecting on myself and my parenting.

Sam helping me clean the bathroom one day -

"How's it look mom, I got the mirror all clean." He had a huge smile on his face, he was proud. Cringing, I saw lots of streaks across the mirror. "It looks great, but we've got to get those streaks out." I re-sprayed the entire mirror and cleaned it again, making sure to get the streaks out.
A week later I asked if he wanted to clean the mirror. "I can't get the streaks out like you." :(

So Dane is working on purposely showing the kids that sometimes it's "ok," to do things just "ok" . And I am learning to let the little things go, streaks and all!

There are many things that we as parents model for our kids. But these 3, need much, much, more attention! It'll make this family much happier and healthier. I will calmly wait for this change to come, and be content to love my kids for who they are... hangup and all!

Dyslexia Shmlexia 4/16/2014

I was told in high school that I may be dyslexic. "Great," I thought, "I've got one more year left of school and NOW you tell me this." I've always had a love of creative writing, but from then on I'd put off writing. The few times that I have put words down, I've been embarrassed by how horrible my writing turns out. I want people to read what I've written and be amused, touched, informed, ect. Not frustrated because they can't understand my sentences. 

But I've had so many things I've wanted to say since starting my blog in 2008. So I've decided to stop posting only pictures to preserve my memories and start adding my thoughts to go with them. Also, to start my quest to become a better writer. 

Here is what I've learned about my writing difficulties. 

Within the field of psycholinguistics, speech errors fall under the category of language production. Types of speech errors include exchange errors, perseveration, anticipation, shift, substitution, blends, additions, and deletions. The study of speech errors contributes to the establishment/refinement of models of speech production.
Speech errors are made on an occasional basis by all speakers.[1] They occur more often when speakers are nervous, tired, anxious or intoxicated.  - Wikipedia

Of course, there is also the Sigmund Freudian theory (Freudian slip), where one subconscious inserts the wrong word.

"For seven and a half years I've worked alongside President Reagan. We've had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We've had some sex... uh... setbacks." -A Freudian slip by President George H.W. Bush

Back to my writing mistakes.. 
DeletionDeletions or omissions leave some linguistic material out.[1]Target: unanimity of opinion
Error: unamity of opinion
Deletion is my biggest offender.

My best guess as to why this occurs along with other writing mistakes, I believe is due to muscle memory. I learned to type very fast in my short career as a 911 dispatcher. In that position I was not afforded the time to proofread, luckily most words I typed were abv (abbreviated).

I can't say for others, but this explanation makes the most sense to me. Example:

I've had this affliction for a long time, possible due to the fact I type so fast and don't slow down to ensure the correct words are used.

"possible" versus "possibly" - They are spelled similarly, thus easy to swap. 

The conclusion of my research... I don't have dyslexia!

I just have to proofread, proofread, and proofread some more! And learn the basics of grammar and punctuation. Keep in mind readers, I went to 7 different schools! I missed a lot of instruction on the basics. Bare with, friends, and fellow bloggers, my writing skills are improving. 

SAD 4/14/2014

 (Seasonal affective disorder) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year. If you're like most people with seasonal affective disorder, your symptoms start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. 

Fall and winter seasonal affective disorder (winter depression)

Winter-onset seasonal affective disorder symptoms include:
Loss of energy
Heavy, "leaden" feeling in the arms or legs
Social withdrawal
Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
Weight gain
Difficulty concentrating


The specific cause of seasonal affective disorder remains unknown. It's likely, as with many mental health conditions, that genetics, age, and, perhaps most importantly, your body's natural chemical makeup all play a role in developing the condition. A few specific factors that may come into play include:
  • Your biological clock (circadian rhythm). The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt your body's internal clock, which lets you know when you should sleep or be awake. This disruption of your circadian rhythm may lead to feelings of depression.
  • Serotonin levels. A drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in seasonal affective disorder. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin which may trigger depression.
  • Melatonin levels. The change in season can disrupt the balance of the natural hormone melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
- taken from:

It's been a rough winter for several reasons. But today (going through my closet clearing out fall /winter clothes and organizing spring/summer clothes,) I realized I own WAY more warm-weather clothes. Now for the most part I don't enjoy going shopping. But apparently, I shop a lot more for clothes in the spring and summer months. 
Hooray, spring is here!!

Note: I'm sure in 3 months I'm going to be blogging about the heat I can't tolerate. LOL!

Who's afraid of the dark? Not Sam! 4/7/2014

Soon Sam will no longer be afraid of the dark. We're playing a new game at night. A very important game because soon he will be sleeping in his own bed, just like his siblings.

Name that Scary, Creepy, Ghostly thing

Instructions: Lights are turned out to create a dark environment. Player #1 picks out an object in the room he believes is Scary, Creepy, or Ghostly. Player #2 then guesses what that object is. Lights are turned on to reveal what the object is.

Objective: Be the first player to correctly guess 3 times in a row what item(s) the other player points out as Scary, Creepy, or Ghostly in the dark.

Player #1 - Points out something scary in the dark room - "Over there in the corner, it looks like two scary eyes staring at me!" 

Player #2 - "I guess it is the spots on the Dalmatian stuffed animal that I put over there earlier today."

Next player #1 has to be brave and go turn the lights on. Once the light comes on it will reveal what the scary sight really was. Repeat with player #2 pointing out something scary with the light off and player #1 guessing. The first player to get 3 in a row wins!

10 signs you're not getting enough SLEEP -  4/3/2014

#10)  Inability to Handle Stress.

I've always thought of myself as a patient parent.  I am, for the most part. With days and days on end with very little sleep, my kids will tell you I tolerate very little. The idea of going to the grocery store with kids in tow seems an impossible task. 

#9) Poor Memory.

Check! Forgetting my keys everywhere can't only be attributed to being an introvert whose brain is constantly churning. Half the time, it's just because I'm just too sleep-deprived. Lost keys, forgetting diaper bag, missing appointments, did I brush my teeth? I've now started counting kids before I leave the grocery store. YES! No one's left behind! 

#8) Inability to Concentrate. 

While writing, I keep getting distracted by all the cute baby pictures I've been searching through. They were SO cute and still are. 

#7) Increased Appetite 

I've always thought of myself as a patient parent.  I am, for the most part. With days and days on end with very little sleep, my kids will tell you I tolerate very little. The idea of going to the grocery store with kids in tow seems an impossible task. 

#9) Poor Memory.

Check! Forgetting my keys everywhere can't only be attributed to being an introvert whose brain is constantly churning. Half the time, it's just because I'm just too sleep-deprived. Lost keys, forgetting diaper bag, missing appointments, did I brush my teeth? I've now started counting kids before I leave the grocery store. YES! No one's left behind! 

#8) Inability to Concentrate. 

While writing, I keep getting distracted by all the cute baby pictures I've been searching through. They were SO cute and still are. 

#7) Increased Appetite 

No check on this one. Stress is keeping that one at bay! It's important to have a healthy balance right?

             Lack of Sleep

+ Stress 

                 = Healthy Appetite

#6) Vision Problems.

I swear I just saw this.

#5) Poor Decision-making.

I keep staying up at night after the little ones go to sleep to enjoy my grown-up alone time. I made that bad decision again last night! YAWN!

#4) Diminished Motor Skills. 

I'm usually excellent at typing. However, this is taking forever to pluck through! 

#3) Relationship troubles.

Hmm... I think this one stems from research done regarding the lack of sleep resulting in resentment.

#2) Medical Problems

HA! Moms aren't allowed to get sick! How did it feel when we all got the flu a few months back?

#1) Mood Swings.

I'm not the only one in this house who needs sleep. It's so much fun around here! WHEEE!

Now I’m looking over at my angelic daughter napping next to me. I 

I feel a  bit sleepy. Nope, she’ll be up soon. 

Thank you, WebMD for informing me of all the signs to look for. In my next life, I should get the option of being a cat that sleeps all day, or an adorable sloth!

No check on this one. Stress is keeping that one at bay! It's important to have a healthy balance right?

             Lack of Sleep

+ Stress 

                 = Healthy Appetite

#6) Vision Problems.

I swear I just saw this.

#5) Poor Decision-making.

I keep staying up at night after the little ones go to sleep to enjoy my grown-up alone time. I made that bad decision again last night! YAWN!

#4) Diminished Motor Skills. 

I'm usually excellent at typing. However, this is taking forever to pluck through! 

#3) Relationship troubles.

Hmmm. I think this one stems from research done regarding the lack of sleep resulting in resentment.

#2) Medical Problems

HA! Moms aren't allowed to get sick! How did it feel when we all got the flu a few months back?

#1) Mood Swings.

I'm not the only one in this house who needs sleep. It's so much fun around here! WHEEE!

Now I’m looking over at my angelic daughter napping next to me. I 

I feel a  bit sleepy. Nope, she’ll be up soon. Feeling a little bit...

Thank you, WebMD for informing me of all the signs to look for. In my next life, I should get the option of being a cat that sleeps all day, or an adorable sloth!

You'll sleep when your dead 4/1/2014

Two kids go to bed early and rise at the crack of dawn, and the other two are responsible for getting themselves to bed. If bedtimes and early risers were my only enemies, I wouldn't be writing this in my sleep-deprived state. I'm also the go-to parent when it comes to middle-of-the-night crises. 

"Mom I can't sleep"
"Mom I had a bad dream"
"Mom I'm about to, to, PUKE"

I've always been the midnight parent not because it's been decided. The kids just know Mom’s faster at shaking off the fog of sleep.

The sun always comes too soon! Coffee is my new best friend! And snuggles also help me wake up. I just wish I could shake off those resentful feelings on the mornings that I've had another WORST NIGHT EVER!

Yes, last night was another rough night. I feel if I at least had a balance of good nights and bad, I'd be more able to handle what life throws at me. Lately, the nights have been teetering down.

Prayers are appreciated. Advice not so much, We'll figure to get through this stage of life together. But if anyone throws out the saying "You'll sleep when you're dead." I'll punch them in the face then blame it on my psychotic sleep-deprived state. Yeah, I'd never really do that but the image would flash before pacifist eyes. 

Hugs all around to mommies everywhere! We're all in this together, we'll get through this together! Then someday look back on these days with only happy memories. Just like giving birth!  LOL! 
Growing up is hard to do! 3/30/2014

Growing up is hard enough without parents making the mistake of hindering that growth. I love my kids and would never intentionally do that. But I have been made aware that in some cases, I was doing just that.

Emmalyn is going through the "I want only Mommy" phase. Where she would once go happily to Grandma and Dane, and now hesitated. Lately, she required time to warm up. So as to not upset Emmalyn I would let her do just that. But the time it took to warm up was becoming longer and longer.

One morning I had just woken up with Emma, and needed to pee. I had carried her downstairs and asked Dane to take her so I could go to the bathroom. As I went to hand her over, she clanged to me and whined. Dane insisted she'd be fine, but I didn't want her to cry for me while gone so I took her with me. At that moment while sitting on my throne with Emma on my lap I realized what I was doing. I was damaging the relationship she had with her father. The same relationship where she would gladly go to daddy every Saturday morning, to let mommy get some much-needed sleep in time with Sam. Dane's a great father! He knows how to make our kids comfortable and happy. In fact, he's the clown in our home. He's quickly fixed the gap between him and Emma.

Next, I'd like to share some insight Maddy has given me. One night while getting Sam and Emma ready for bed with me (yes they still bed share with me), she asked me when I was going to get them sleeping in their own beds. Advising me (yes my 10-year-old) that they would never be able to get to sleep on their own if they didn't learn soon. Those of you who know what she is going through now, know how much meaning that statement meant!

HMM.. any thoughts on how to get Sam and Emmalyn to start comforting themselves without my hair. I really hate the hair-pulling! OUCH. Yes, it is loving to put your kids' needs above your own, but I believe it's blind love to not differentiate between wants and needs. What they need is to be able to comfort their selves without mommy, I can't always be there.

So there you have it. I own the mistakes I've made from being so incredibly blinded with love for my children. Let me now start parenting with a loving heart AND open eyes!

My Breastfeeding Journey Coming to an End 9/17/2012

When I was surprised pregnant with baby #4 growing inside of me, fear was my first emotion. There were so many (trivial) things for me to fear. The fact that our house was already bursting at the seams, along with our finances. The feeling that I wasn't giving the 3 kids I already had enough attention and constancy. And the fact that postpartum depression was going to plague me again.

So here we were about to add another baby to the chaos. But after I told Dane the news, his overwhelming excitement got me to not only embrace this gift from God but to also dream up of all the things I felt I could do differently with this baby. Things that I never got to do with my other kids. With Christian and Maddy born 2 years apart, I was mainly in survival mode for the first couple of years. In those years I wished I would have taken more pictures and videos. I also wished I would have relaxed and enjoyed the baby years, instead of always looking forward to the next milestone.

Then with Samuel, I was all set to enjoy his new-ness camera and camcorder at the ready. Oh, and all those adorable cloth diapers I was excited to try out! But the beauty and excitement of his newness were trumped by his need for medical attention due to his failure to thrive. I tried so hard that first month to get him to grow. We went to doctor appointments and lactation consultants, sometimes 2-3 times a week. It broke my heart when he was admitted to the hospital and doctors put an ng tube down his throat, forever taking away the bond of breastfeeding. Weaning him abruptly spun me into a severe depression.

Now I was looking forward to having another breastfeeding bond with this baby. I know a lot of people don't get why breastfeeding is so important to some women. I can only try to explain why it was so important to me. Yes, we all know breast is best, however, this was not my main reason. I took pride and comfort in knowing I provided her with food. And it kept the baby hoarders at bay, for newborns eat every hour or two.:)
But those reasons became selfish when it came to baby Emmalyn. Tests proved she was allergic to cow's milk protein. And I actually made her go through some pretty horrible tummy pains, diarrhea, and no weight gain there for a while. The easy thing would have been to quit breastfeeding and do all hypoallergenic formulas. But my thoughts were if I could eliminate dairy (not an easy task),  I could get her over that hurdle and we would get to have those magical moments of blissful breastfeeding!

I remember having those magical moments when Christian and Madelyn were babies. When my breasts were what got them to sleep at night, or calmed them down after a boo-boo. Also, those precious moments when they'd look up at you and stare into your eyes like they were reading your soul, and they smiled at what they saw! And moments when no one else could comfort them like I could. Someone would scoop them up after they fell and they'd cry out to me. We'd go in a back room to snuggle, and my magic boobies made everything better :)

However, even after I eliminated all dairy from my diet our breastfeeding challenges were still not over. I struggled week after week building up a milk supply that would never satisfy her. I'm not sure if it was getting my tubes tied, or maybe from being so old ;). I suspect it was from supplementing so much under doctor's orders to get her weight up. Whatever the problem was, I tried everything to fix it! Extra pumping, supplements, we even took a nursing vacation (just the two of us in bed)! That was fun!  But in the end, I had to come to the realization that I couldn't keep this up forever. Also, Emmalyn loved to be cradled and breastfed but was not enjoying having only snacks never a full belly.

So I've started the process of letting nature take its course and allowing my milk supply to dry up. Emmalyn mostly receives bottles, but every night I'll have enough breast milk to let her feed a bit from me. Those times are so bittersweet! She gets so excited when I cradle her head or lay her down. She shakes and whines with excitement. Her tiny hand reaches up and clenches over and over again at my chest. Makes the sweetest satisfying noises as she breathes in and out. Almost instantly when the milk runs out she falls asleep. I then watch her sleep, as I know I only have a handful of these moments left.
I'm trying my hardest not to fall into a depression like I did with Samuel. But this is a bond that is so hard for me to let go of.  Samuel ended up bonding with me in another way.. my hair ;)  I'm sure we too will have a rainbow at the end of this all. * Update we call Miss Emma our rainbow as she truly has been a blessing from God.