Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2021

fun day for them, relaxing for me!!!!

My in-laws took everyone minus M* and me on the Polar Express train yesterday! M*s got her days and nights flipped, so I took the day took the day to pamper Chloe and me!! I even ate a hot meal at Taco Del Mar, YUM! Unfortunately, the manicure my mom treated me did not survive 😔 Should have left the cleaning to Dane! 😅

Emma's ticket

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Feelings at Dads funeral. (draft still working on it)

 I haven't posted since my dads death. I often do this on my blog... retreat, post then retreat again. It's my decision I don't have to write, no one expects me to. Yet.. it pulls me back. I feel a pull to write This pull doesn't connect me to others as I don't allow comments. It's more of a pull to write in a space that others and experience and feel what they feel. I often look back at old family videos and feel an intense love! But those same videos won't feel a inch of love from those who don't have connection to us. BECAUSE we're all becoming disconnected,,  more so now then ever. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Tomboy no more?

Not me!!! This salon visit cost us about 100 bucks!! 

Christian's food truck lunch order ;) with idk.. either a bunny or a Kahuna sketch. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Emma's first choir recital!

Emma started a new school this year. I am so thankful to my parents who are graciously funding her new Christian school!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Blast from the past!


Me, Nicole, Natalie, Mary, and De-De. 

Finding this gem today packs a lot of memories I buried. My entire outfit was one I hated but wore because Grandma bought it for me. I don't think I ever wore it to school. You see, every year my Grandma would buy my back-to-school clothes (something my family was always grateful for I assume because they didn't have the money to do so). This particular year I remember my Grandma asked me if I would like to live with her (my parents had recently gotten a divorce), she said all the great things about living in Utah like I would be able to attend another year in Jr. High before highschool (like that would change my mind). Anywho... my main goal when shopping was to fit in! Note: Utah clothes are VERY different than California clothes (California was usually a couple of years before the rest of the states in regards to fashion). When shopping I came across a Guess bag (Guess was a popular brand back in the day). I asked my Grandma to buy me the bag as I thought it would help me fit in. See in the picture that pink bag? That is not the Guess bag I asked for. Nope, that day Grandma decided to teach me a lesson. Instead of paying $20 for something name-brand, she taught me to make it myself. That pink bag was my first sewing lesson. I was upset, yet sucked it up. Being me was a hard thing to do growing up in a world that didn't understand or care to ask what I needed or wanted. However, I am grateful for the memories with my cousins and the lesson on how to sew.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Emma and Waylon


This little POA (small horse) has fallen in love with our Emma! They are doing great learning together each time they ride. He's only been at her lessons for about a month but has a lot of talent! The trainer calls Emma her prodigy! What higher compliment could you get!? 

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Christian is getting IMHO quite talented! He has a photographic memory and currently loves experimenting with color blending. I'm trying to get him to try a college class in painting/art/color WHAT EVER! If not a future career, at least a loved hobby! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Our first-ever Disney vacation that we paid for and planned by us alone. Our family has been through so much the past IDK 5ish years! It's now our turn to have a nice family vacation with just the 6 of us! It's all thanks to M*! She's been dying to get out of dodge ever since the pandemic hit. Having us all home for a year took its toll on her. I don't blame her; it was a horrible year all the way around! Pandemic, civil unrest in our beloved city and the entire country, my father's death, my trip to Utah, etc. But I think the thing that drove her the craziest was having us all under one roof! Sensory overload for her! So I hope and pray this vacation will be a good reset for this family as we are getting back to a new "normal." 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

Oaks Bottom Wildlife Nature Reserve - Wenzel Adventure's

We had planned to visit Washington Park again but decided to take a break from driving to Portland for a while. While we were at Dutch Bros getting our usual drinks, a barista told us about Oaks Bottom Park, so we decided to check it out. M enjoyed her chia, Emma had her strawberry lemonade, and I sipped on ice water.

On this adventure, we brought both Chloe and my mom's dog Carly. While walking past the pavilion, we noticed that the flag was at half-staff. M asked why, but I suggested she ask her dad since I was on a media break. Despite the world's problems, it's good to get out and enjoy God's beautiful world for a change.

It was a beautiful sunny day with lots of dogs playing and birds chirping. Emma was excited about the playground, and we had fun playing on the slide. M had a good laugh when Emma couldn't figure out how to turn off the water after she had to pee.

Speaking of "going," M wanted to leave because it was getting too hot. While Chloe has been enjoying lots of walks lately, Carly doesn't get out much. She enjoyed soaking up the sun, and many parkgoers stopped us to tell us how beautiful she was.

I'm thankful that the barista took the time to tell us about Oaks Bottom Park. It's a Sellwood gem with stunning views of Oaks Park and the Willamette River.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wenzel Gazette

 Since the school year began I have felt like I am constantly spinning plates. 

Getting organized and everyone learning how to organize better has been key!!  This is our second Wenzel edition. 

Boomer Gazette 

The Wenzel clan is crushing it! We really appreciate the great communication and feedback you gave

us last week,

keep it up. Considering we are going in 6 different directions and the learning curve has been HIGH

the organized

chaos was manageable. Please know that as everyone falls into a routine the chaos will lessen. 

Last Week's Highlights 

- E* started a new school! She was very happy that masks are optional, made a new friend, and is

finally getting the attention from teachers who love their job. Oh, and she ended her stressful week

with a fun field trip.

- C* started online classes at Clackamas Community College (GO COUGARS!!).

- S* has set a good routine at his new school and is enjoying hands-on learning. 

- Dad published his first “book”. And the race to see who makes the most sales is on!! D-0 / M-2

- Mom learned how to shop online to make weekly meal shopping easy and cheap.

- Routine of animal feeding seems to be down pat! I have ordered “diet” food for Chloe and the cats.

Aside from

Pinky and you kids, I think we can all benefit to lose a couple of pounds. 

- Mom is practicing self care and learning new ways to stay in the green zone. My joy of art and writing

are my

biggest outlets. Please be respectful if I need to take a break from you all ;) GO BUG DAD INSTEAD!

This weeks PSA’s

- Remember if you want/need anything it gets written on the white board. OR you can add it to my

amazon cart with a note why you need it (Please do not check out w/o asking).

- S* - Monday car pool will drop you off after school. I have a parent mtg at *E's school. 

- Cousins Bday on Tues. Dinner at aunts house. 

- E* - No school on Friday

- E* - Gaga planning to take you out for a day this week.

- Reminder - If you need mom or dad to do or get something the following day use a sticky note

and put it on the


7 Day Weather Forecast

This week’s menu

Mon - Breakfast for dinner (Dad's specialty)

Scrambled eggs w/ ham & cheese 


French Toast

Hash Browns

Tues - Mexican 

Will be celebrating H*’s Bday meal

Wed - New recipe - 


Crescent rolls 

Thurs - Italian -  Spaghetti Bake 

Garlic Bread


Fri - Fend for yourself night

There is PLENTY to choose from! 

Sat - Sale meat - Pork Tenderloin

Mashed potatoes

Choice vegetable 

Sun- Family dinner at GaGa's

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I enjoy blogging yet every time I came to this place I would see my dad's funeral announcement and get stuck. Grief comes in waves that's for sure! But I know my dad wants me to continue this love of mine so I'm doing just that. I miss you dad, we'll be together once again with every tear wiped from our eyes! 

Peninsula Park - Wenzel Adventures

 Another beautiful day! This park had so many fun things to see and do. There was a beautiful fountain, rose garden, several playgrounds, splash park, basketball and tennis courts, community center, and lots of SQUIRRELS!  

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Healing Tears

My dad's funeral brought out a lot of tears. For me, I couldn't help but realize that we all felt a sense of not just coming together but a feeling of going back to memories present with him, experiencing the same time and space. Divorced family at the age of 10, memories are few, tainted w/ hate, jealousy, and hugs that didn't feel like much.

Celebration of life


This was hard day to get through as it was biter sweet. Hard to say goodbye but so thankful for all the memories that family and friends shared of my dad. I have learned so much more about him from others points of views. And as I sit here watching the littles play in the hotel pool, I see that he is in them! Like silly nature of Sam who like my dad liked to live in the future looking for the next adventure or the next BIG fish to catch. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fourth of July Cornhole!


It was so nice visiting with family, including those who traveled all the way from Idaho!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Light at the end of the tunnel

Gradates in the year 2020 and 2021 faced many huddles the past year. Christian on the other hand took the past year in stride. Re-wind a bit .. School always came easy to him a straight A student.  First to memorize times tables in his class, homework done promptly after school, perfect scores, teachers praised. Christian was due to graduate last year class of 2020 with friends and soccer mates glued together. But that road flashed a road block.. OCD.  There was about a two year period where we as a family took detour after detour. There were many tearful days and nights where we had nothing to see the end of the tunnel yet and to hang on tight...God's light was there we just had to have faith! Like the amazing student his is, once we found the correct path, he diligently followed. The way he came to this accomplishment reminds me that the way we reach our goals, is not always the way we envision it to pass. Knowing that God's plan is perfect, gives me peace to know MY greatest gifts to this world are guided by Him.