Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wenzel Gazette

 Since the school year began I have felt like I am constantly spinning plates. 

Getting organized and everyone learning how to organize better has been key!!  This is our second Wenzel edition. 

Boomer Gazette 

The Wenzel clan is crushing it! We really appreciate the great communication and feedback you gave

us last week,

keep it up. Considering we are going in 6 different directions and the learning curve has been HIGH

the organized

chaos was manageable. Please know that as everyone falls into a routine the chaos will lessen. 

Last Week's Highlights 

- E* started a new school! She was very happy that masks are optional, made a new friend, and is

finally getting the attention from teachers who love their job. Oh, and she ended her stressful week

with a fun field trip.

- C* started online classes at Clackamas Community College (GO COUGARS!!).

- S* has set a good routine at his new school and is enjoying hands-on learning. 

- Dad published his first “book”. And the race to see who makes the most sales is on!! D-0 / M-2

- Mom learned how to shop online to make weekly meal shopping easy and cheap.

- Routine of animal feeding seems to be down pat! I have ordered “diet” food for Chloe and the cats.

Aside from

Pinky and you kids, I think we can all benefit to lose a couple of pounds. 

- Mom is practicing self care and learning new ways to stay in the green zone. My joy of art and writing

are my

biggest outlets. Please be respectful if I need to take a break from you all ;) GO BUG DAD INSTEAD!

This weeks PSA’s

- Remember if you want/need anything it gets written on the white board. OR you can add it to my

amazon cart with a note why you need it (Please do not check out w/o asking).

- S* - Monday car pool will drop you off after school. I have a parent mtg at *E's school. 

- Cousins Bday on Tues. Dinner at aunts house. 

- E* - No school on Friday

- E* - Gaga planning to take you out for a day this week.

- Reminder - If you need mom or dad to do or get something the following day use a sticky note

and put it on the


7 Day Weather Forecast

This week’s menu

Mon - Breakfast for dinner (Dad's specialty)

Scrambled eggs w/ ham & cheese 


French Toast

Hash Browns

Tues - Mexican 

Will be celebrating H*’s Bday meal

Wed - New recipe - 


Crescent rolls 

Thurs - Italian -  Spaghetti Bake 

Garlic Bread


Fri - Fend for yourself night

There is PLENTY to choose from! 

Sat - Sale meat - Pork Tenderloin

Mashed potatoes

Choice vegetable 

Sun- Family dinner at GaGa's