Showing posts with label school events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school events. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

2020 Quarantine - PROM!

Last night my teens and I watched this livestream! So much fun!! Someday they can brag John Krasinski hosted their 2020 Prom with guests Billy Eilish and the Jonas Brothers!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 30

One month ago (March 13th) the littles had no idea that it would be the last day they saw their friends and teachers for the rest of the school year. An extended Spring break is all, we'll be back to normal soon!
Today the kids got to see a glimpse of their teachers from a "safe distance"..


After the parade, we logged into their learning app and did a few assignments. So far it seems easy enough. Basically just learning how to navigate the site and a bit of review. The biggest problem we're facing is our internet glitching. Dane's working from home (3 computers), the two teens both do online school (2 laptops),  Sam uses mine, and Emma has a school loner (2 more laptops)!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day - 14

Can you guess mine? I can't imagine the stress of adding school work to the mix!

Friday, March 13, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 1

Emma was so excited to finally get back to school yesterday after 24 hours of antibiotics for strep throat, an infection Sam passed down a few weeks ago! We heard late Thursday morning that the school would close until March 30, the kids were super excited to be getting an extra week of spring break.
Waking up this morning was surreal! Snow in mid-March! The last time it snowed this late in the year was March 2012 the year Emma was born!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"Medic!".............."That was the medic!"

Tomorrow is "Everyone Reads" day at school. The students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite book character. Sam, never passing up a chance to wear military fatigues, decided to go as Private Desmond T Doss WWII veteran. What? I'm sure he's a character in someone book!?

Friday, October 20, 2017

First School Picture

Emma loves school so much! Every day when I pick her up she tells me every detail about her day: the letters she's learning, the songs, playground happenings, who's got a crush on who (yes that a thing in Kindergarten), EVERYTHING! The happiness just radiates off of her! She is such a social butterfly! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Patchin it, for Ambyopia

Emma is loving this new patch we got for her lazy eye! As you can see she has her own sense of style, and it works! Another kid in her Preschool also has Amblyopia, so the school celebrated a "Pirate Patch Day" for the two of them!" Everyone in the two classes wore eye patches! ARRRG!!!

Facts About Amblyopia

Amblyopia can result from any condition that prevents the eye from focusing clearly. Amblyopia can be caused by the misalignment of the two eyes—a condition called strabismus. With strabismus, the eyes can cross in (esotropia) or turn out (exotropia). Occasionally, amblyopia is caused by a clouding of the front part of the eye, a condition called cataract.
A common cause of amblyopia is the inability of one eye to focus as well as the other one. Amblyopia can occur when one eye is more nearsighted, more farsighted, or has more astigmatism. These terms refer to the ability of the eye to focus light on the retina. Farsightedness, or hyperopia, occurs when the distance from the front to the back of the eye is too short. Eyes that are farsighted tend to focus better at a distance but have more difficulty focusing on near objects. Nearsightedness, or myopia, occurs when the eye is too long from front to back. Eyes with nearsightedness tend to focus better on near objects. Eyes with astigmatism have difficulty focusing on far and near objects because of their irregular shape.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


This week Christian failed in his eyes. Receiving his first C in his adv bio class has proved to be the end of the world. This takes me back to the time he would obsess about laying his train tracks out in perfect order taking his sweet time. Then having a complete meltdown when his baby sister would remove a piece of track, finding a new button to push begging to get his attention.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

First day of preschool for my last!

It was a bitter-sweet day... bitter for me, sweet for Emmalyn. She has been so excited to start school! Every fall morning, in Emma's eyes, she saw all her siblings (x Maddy) leave home to have adventures she had missed out on! Emma's outgoing personality craves to interact with others, whether at the grocery store talking with every grown-up that passed or at the playground making best friends, she would never see again. I'm grateful she loves going to school, and will finally have her own adventures!!! But I have to admit that having my fourth child be so independent and extroverted is a learning curve that is sure to whiplash me every step of the way. I'm not sure that I'm ready for this whirlwind child!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

UGGG homework!

I just spent 4 hours doing homework with Christian! I don't think I've ever spent that much time doing homework while in 8th grade. I now know everything I never needed to know about the Revolutionary War!

Yes, history is important. In fact, I believe one of the most important subjects. But this essay's format was ridiculous! We spent more time and frustration on how it was supposed to be written than the actual content. I just love how Common Core is molding our kids to be cookie-cutter replicas. Hail to the test! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

School's out for Summer!

Last day of school 

Sam -

Was an exciting field day!  But he didn't feel very well so his half day was cut even shorter. :(

*see if you can spot Maddy in this pic. You can try to hide Maddy but the camera caught you!

Christian -

HAGS - Have a great summer! 

A half day of celebrating the end of 7th grade, and signing junior high yearbooks. Then he and his "summer crew" spent the rest of the day hanging out at the park.

Maddy - 

Hanging out with the coolest person ever.. ME! Yes, she missed the last day of 6th grade as well as a lot of days this year. Next year will be another new start! I'm proud of her progress!

Friday, May 22, 2015

I took a monkey to the zoo!

What a fun day volunteering at Sam's field trip to the zoo! I love seeing Sam around kids his own age, he is hilarious! Yes, very loud and at times immature, but also years above in intellect! It's also nice to witness how courteous and respectful he is to both adults and peers. Yes, I am a bit bias. However, even if he was not my child I would surely pick him to be in my group.  ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sweet mornings

Maddy waking ME up singing... 

"Good morning, time to get up!"

What a change from me pulling blankets off her and bugging her every morning with the song... "Good morning sunshine, time to get out of bed!" Guess she decided to play Freaky Friday that morning.

Sam snuggled in bed Saturday morning.

"Sam, I wake you with a back rub every morning before school, do you think you can give me one today?"

Grumpy Sam - "No!" Exits my bed, and leaves me bummed.

10 minutes later.. a sweet change of heart.

"I'm sorry Mom, you deserve back rubs too."

He gave me the most epic back massage, that boy has talent!

Christian having his first Jr. High girlfriend has its perks.

Lately, I don't have to tell him twice to get out of bed, nor do I have to remind him to brush his teeth every morning.

Poor Emmalyn always strapped in the freezing car seat while I take her siblings to school each morning. 

Emma - "I stay wit Brobber"

Me - "Christian has to go to school."

Emma - "I stay wit Dada"

Me - "Daddy has to go to work."

Emma - "I stay wit Dog."

Sigh... "Come on Emma time to go."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How do you spell LOVE?

Sam came home from school yesterday with a new skill. He learned how to spell LOVE! Last night he practiced spelling on my back. With his finger he would trace a letter on my back and I would try to guess the letter. It felt soooo good! Every so often he'd throw in another letter to try and throw me off :) I really did feel loved!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Taxi Service

I can't wait till these kids can drive themselves! Oh what a happy day that will be.

"Christian can you run to the store for a gallon of milk after you pick up your siblings from school?"

2 years later

"Oh miss M*, run to the store and pick me up some tampons." BUHAHAHAHAH!!!

At least I'm not having to drive to the Jr. High 4 times a day now! Exposure therapy, yeah I get the idea. But dropping her off for one class, then picking up for lunch, dropping her off for a second class, and finally picking up at the end of the day was EXHAUSTING. Poor little Emma thought we lived in the car.

"Come on Emma, we have to drive to school."

Every time her response would be...

"No I stay with Dadda."

"Dad's at work."

"Stay with brubber!"

No Christian's at school."

"Stay with dog."

Sigh, poor little miss having to be toted around everywhere.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Kissing Hand

And away he goes!

Samuel had a great first day of Kindergarten! He enjoyed showing Emma his classroom, cubby, and desk. As soon as this new friend showed up he was ready to say goodbye. This is gonna be a great year for Sam!

"More knowledge, more power!" - Samuel