Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Taxi Service

I can't wait till these kids can drive themselves! Oh what a happy day that will be.

"Christian can you run to the store for a gallon of milk after you pick up your siblings from school?"

2 years later

"Oh miss M*, run to the store and pick me up some tampons." BUHAHAHAHAH!!!

At least I'm not having to drive to the Jr. High 4 times a day now! Exposure therapy, yeah I get the idea. But dropping her off for one class, then picking up for lunch, dropping her off for a second class, and finally picking up at the end of the day was EXHAUSTING. Poor little Emma thought we lived in the car.

"Come on Emma, we have to drive to school."

Every time her response would be...

"No I stay with Dadda."

"Dad's at work."

"Stay with brubber!"

No Christian's at school."

"Stay with dog."

Sigh, poor little miss having to be toted around everywhere.