Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Christian's 19th Birthday!

I can't believe my firstborn is 19 years old! While we usually have a big extended family celebration. This year our spring birthdays are being celebrated at home. Christian decided on a lemon raspberry cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. YUM!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Christian turns 18!!!

What a surreal day for me, my oldest child is now an ADULT!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Glasdtone United

Had a really good game on Saturday. Decided on the impromptu team party. Sent this picture to the Whiskey Hill coach. We're ready for them. #GLADSTONEUNITED

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hair cut x4

Christian … 

Teeny bit off the top! 

The littles . . .  

Just below the ears! If too long Ga Ga and sister will give me pigtails! 

Faux hawk, please! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

UGGG homework!

I just spent 4 hours doing homework with Christian! I don't think I've ever spent that much time doing homework while in 8th grade. I now know everything I never needed to know about the Revolutionary War!

Yes, history is important. In fact, I believe one of the most important subjects. But this essay's format was ridiculous! We spent more time and frustration on how it was supposed to be written than the actual content. I just love how Common Core is molding our kids to be cookie-cutter replicas. Hail to the test! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Onward Christian Soldiers!

Confirmation Day 

What you believe in & why - 

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Also the words I speak in the Apostle and Nicene creeds. 

Why do I believe this? Because it was placed in my heart by the holy spirit as a baby. At that time I was claimed by Jesus as his own, and have felt it ever since. To have faith is to believe in something that you can see, hear or touch. "Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are things we can't see.." - Polar Express (favorite childhood movie). But God HAS touched my life, I have heard, seen, and felt His presence in my life. Once someone gives his heart to Jesus they can then see, hear and feel Him as well. 

Confirmation verse - 

Isaiah 41:10  - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I chose the verse because it will remind me that I have nothing to fear, God will always be there to lift me up. Just like in soccer when you are scrimmaging, it's smart to choose the best players first. God is my first choice, I want Him on my team in life. His mighty hand will lift me up and carry me through all obstacles I will face. 

A person in your life that has helped you (guided you) though faith - 

There are many people who I look up to in my faith. Pastor Eric, my youth leaders and friends at church, but my family is who I look up to the most. I sometimes hear my mom and dad read their daily devotional, pray before meals teaching my younger siblings how to pray as well. We always have talks in the car about what's going on in everyone's life, and God is always in those conversations. Whether it's trouble I'm having, or advice on how I can help a friend, they always talk through it with me and are always there for me. My mom and dad have taught through example and have shared with me how God's influence has pulled them through their tough times. 

A time when you felt close to God or a time when you had a prayer answered-

I've always felt closest to Jesus when I'm going through hard times and feel I have no one else I can or want to talk to. Last year was a very difficult time in my life when I wasn't sure what path my life was going to take. Having no control, I turned to God. He gave me comfort that everything would work out. Like in my confirmation verse I had to not fear because God was on our side. In the end he proved that He was there all along, and turned a bad situation into good. I am now in an even better place than I was before, proving to me God will always be by my side to get me in a better place even when I have no control. 

Life before Jesus.
What led you to be confirmed?
Now that you have Jesus - 

I've never known a life with out Jesus, however reading and learning about the bible has brought me closer to Him. I now know him on a deeper level, understanding that he is there in everything I do. Every Wednesday at confirmation class I learned more about Jesus, and what I am called to do. To be confirmed to me does not mean that I am done learning and growing, but instead confirms that I will be doing that for the rest of my life. Also being confirmed means I will now be a member of this church and the church all around the world. Being a member means I now have the responsibility to help our church grow and reach out to others who still need to be saved. Now that Jesus is in my life I never want to know a life without him, and I want as many others to know a life with him too.

How will you (or can you) share you faith with others-

I am now more confident that I will be able to share my faith with other people. I know that being a Christian means to live my life as an example of what it means to have God in my life. I feel one way I can help others is by being a good friend and listening, always looking for ways to show and share what God has done for me and what He can do for others. 

How can you serve others and/or serve the church-

I can be on the lookout for those in need, or a job that needs to be done. And when I see a need look inside myself at the gifts God has given me to see if I can help. I am great at math, maybe I can be the next church treasure #LOL. I'm a great soccer player, maybe I can start a team or referee. I'm really good at making friends, maybe I can be a friend to someone at school who doesn't have any. I can also use my time to feed the poor. 

Example of God's creation that has meaning to you. Why? -

God created me! He is the only one that knows me inside and out. My needs and wants, my past and future, my sin, and my heart. Even as I still grow and learn about myself, He knows me from before my birth to our life together in heaven.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sweet mornings

Maddy waking ME up singing... 

"Good morning, time to get up!"

What a change from me pulling blankets off her and bugging her every morning with the song... "Good morning sunshine, time to get out of bed!" Guess she decided to play Freaky Friday that morning.

Sam snuggled in bed Saturday morning.

"Sam, I wake you with a back rub every morning before school, do you think you can give me one today?"

Grumpy Sam - "No!" Exits my bed, and leaves me bummed.

10 minutes later.. a sweet change of heart.

"I'm sorry Mom, you deserve back rubs too."

He gave me the most epic back massage, that boy has talent!

Christian having his first Jr. High girlfriend has its perks.

Lately, I don't have to tell him twice to get out of bed, nor do I have to remind him to brush his teeth every morning.

Poor Emmalyn always strapped in the freezing car seat while I take her siblings to school each morning. 

Emma - "I stay wit Brobber"

Me - "Christian has to go to school."

Emma - "I stay wit Dada"

Me - "Daddy has to go to work."

Emma - "I stay wit Dog."

Sigh... "Come on Emma time to go."

Friday, June 6, 2014

Schooools out for summer!

The first year of middle school is over for Christian, and he's on cloud 9! He was ready for middle school this year and believed he would like it better than grade school.

It was the first year -

I was not invited to go on field trips.
He did not share all the happenings of his social life.
I was not asked to volunteer.
He didn't ask or need help on a science experiment.
I couldn't keep up with or understand his math assignments.

Heck, I didn't even get to bring cupcakes on his birthday!!!

However, he did get straight A's the entire year long, so I guess I'll just sit back and watch my boy fly!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Back from outdoor school!

As I waited outside the middle school with Sam and Emma, other parents arrived with cameras in hand. The first bus pulled up, empty of students, but full of packed luggage. The next bus arrived filled with students waving their arms out the window, screaming witty greetings to  loved ones. When all the kids finally got off the buses, it was utter chaos! Parents were hugging, friends were saying goodbye, and teachers were breathing a sigh of relief. The sound was deafening! Christian, along with several other kids, helped unload the luggage bus. It was comical to see how most parents had the same idea - sent trash bags for used clothing. Christian and his friends formed a line and passed luggage to the curb. Emma, on the other hand, kept whining that she wanted "Brubber". Eventually, she got her way with a big hug! All the way home, Christian chatted about the incredible time he had.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Schools out for summer!

The day school got out on June 7th there was so much excitement in the air. I picked up the kids from school with the song "Schools Out for Summer" by Alice Cooper playing. Then we went out to eat at one of their favorite restaurants Panda Express.
So it's been just over a week, and every day when Dane gets home from work, I ask him... "Is it September yet"? They are driving me crazy!!!! Yes, I'm a stay-at-home mom so it's not like I'm not used to them being around all the time. It's just, that with Maddy and Christian home in the mornings, it totally upset the balance of things. Truth be told, for a good hour or so in the morning, I let Sam watch cartoons snuggling on one side of me and Emmalyn on the other (she just realized what the big box we stare at all the time is for). Both usually have a lock of my hair in their hands. And I just sit and enjoy whatever book I'm reading.
Well now, I come down in the morning and Maddy's taken over the morning TV and since I have nothing to pacify Sam and Emma they're usually off making trouble. Christian, however, sleeps sometimes till noon. At about that time, Maddy wants to know what fun thing we're doing for the day. Uh, I'm not your cruise director, it's not every day this summer we're going to take a Zoo trip, or go roller skating. Some days Mommy just wants to catch up on the huge mess that having 4 kids home all the time makes.
Thankfully this summer we're taking 2 big trips. July to Flaming Gorge, Utah a visit with my Dad's side of the family. Then the first week in August, our annual extended family beach trip to Lincoln City. Other than that we'll have to fit in lots of visits to the park, Baskin Robins, and sleepovers with friends.
Time will fly and it will be time to sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year," while pushing the Target cart full of school supplies. Just kidding, I love summer and all it's craziness! Next year Christian starts middle school and Maddy has her last year at the elementary level! I'm not sure I'm ready for that!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, August 13, 2010

Christian's Lego gun designs

Christian's been designing his own guns for a few months now, and he seems to be quite talented at it! What's even more impressive is that he doesn't use any pre-made kits with instructions. Instead, he uses spare Lego parts to create unique designs. Furthermore, he doesn't even look at gun pictures to copy; he simply recalls the ones he's seen in movies. All in all, he is a pretty impressive kid!

Black pistol

Rounded middle where the bullets go

Gatling Gun
End of gun spins round

Machine Gun
Clip feeds on the other side

 w/ working hammer

Scope on top. He used the parts from a Star Wars space craft engine. Pretty cool!

Shot Gun
His longest gun. Masking tape helps hold it together.