Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A person is a person no matter how small

Glad to see I have some company! 

I'm constantly having to ask strangers to reach things for me :(  Or do this..

I hate it when people question my relationship to my teen. And then dare to ask how old I was when I had him!

Dane taught me a trick... lift the toddler up on the counter to reach stuff for you :)

Capri's often times are full length

Ha.. She's got a whole inch and a half more world than I. 

Friends in high school always wanted to see if I fit... .yes I did

I hate walking with others...


I've always been the benchmark in the family. "Whoo hoo, I'm taller than Brandy!" This has been all my nieces and nephews goals, and now that they've all grown to heights and considerably passed my own 4'11.5". My own children are but months away from looking down on me.
Maddy at her 12 year check up measured 4'11", she was of course excited to be reaching that family benchmark, but then later was disappointed to hear from her doctor that she would be small like me. All day I spent cheering her up and reassuring her that she would not be super short like me, but would at least grow a few more inches.