Monday, May 5, 2014

My not so clean house

I've got 4 sticky, messy, busy, don't care about the state of our house kids. My house is in a constant state of dirty chaos! Wait..make that 5 kids, Dane's a big offender! I'm learning to let go of the picture in my head of what a clean house should look like for the sake of my sanity.

So cleaning now consists of this...

I sweep daily. Because who wants dirty pirate feet from walking around the house.

I clean the bathroom floor ONLY when a tub full of water gets splashed on the floor. It gets cleaned often :)

My two littles LOVE spray bottles. So I let them do the dusting, just wish they didn't use half the bottle!

Dishes are much more entertaining with the help of a 2 yr old and BUBBLES!

Laundry is my never ending story!

The littles think that cleaning the litter box is like digging for treasure. HAVE FUN KIDS!!

(I can't believe I found this picture)

Clean counters, and clean toes!

I'm a perfectionist, but having happy kids is more important than a clean house! 

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