Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where do you find the time??? Coments PLEASE!

Since I started blogging, I've found myself reading others' daily blogs more often. I can't help but feel a tinge of "BLOG" envy. Where do you find the time to engage in all your crafts, budgeting, photography, blogging, and more? You all seem like Martha Stewarts, while I feel more like Roseanne Barr (I know I'm not that heavy, but seriously, Natalie, you're already fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes. I still haven't recovered from Maddy's pregnancy—I've got the Lloyd hips!). The only craft I've managed to complete in a LONG time is the Halloween decorations (see the bottom of the blog), and that was the most significant challenge ever! Sammy was crying for me to pick him up half the time, Dane was on the couch sick, and the mess from making the "spider egg" didn't get cleaned up until the next day!

I feel like I'm sprinting a marathon with no end in sight. Constantly picking up kids from school, attending doctor appointments for Sammy and me, cleaning (although my house always stays a mess!), homework, soccer practice, and games—AHH, the list never ends! My life is so hectic right now that I've even opted for a service called "Dream Dinners" to pre-make my dinners every month, so all I have to do is thaw and follow directions; otherwise, my family wouldn't eat :) I need comments on this one! What am I missing? And please don't tell me you get most of your stuff done after the kids go to bed at night! My head hits the pillow as soon as my kids are asleep (sometimes even sooner :) since Sammy wakes every couple of hours with tummy pains!

So, what is your secret? Comments, please... cousins, aunts, grandmas??


Nicole said...

i wish i had something helpful to say, but as i have no kids, i have no advice. :)

that dream dinners thing sounds fabulous, though. oh how i hate cooking!

Candida Marie said...

i only have one kid, and she is a pretty easy one at that.

i see what you mean about marveling at all others get done. i deal by realizing that if something is a priority, you make time for it. maybe these things just aren't priorities for you yet and so slip through the cracks which is nothing to sweat.

take time to appreciate others achievements and do what you like with the rest of the day!

Natalie said...

oh brandy, don't make the mistake of comparing yourself to others it can be so damaging. there is always going to be someone who appears to have it more together, but you don't ever know the details behind their apparent success.

that being said, i will also say more - i feel it is so important to do at least one thing every single day that is purely for yourself - and a hot shower doesn't count! :D for me, it's usually a blog entry but it takes other forms as well. that way you never forget and never let your kids forget either that you are a mom but you are also more than that - you are an intelligent woman who has other interests and talents. it's important for you to remember that and it's important for your kids to see that, too.

also remember that just because someone else is doing it doesn't mean that it's something you should want to do. initially, i found the world of blogging to be an arena for beating up one's self - "oh look what that crafty mom did for her kids this halloween" or "man, look at that incredible party that woman threw for her husband" - all too often those thoughts turn into "what's wrong with me that i didn't think of that or do it?!". find the things in life that you are passionate about and embrace them. like candida said, appreciate others for their fortes but love your own, too.

some things that i do that help me in accomplishing all that i do:

1. strict bedtime for the kids of 8 pm - they need it and so do i. that gives me a good two hours to be with jay (if he's home that night) and tie up loose ends that didn't get accomplished during the day before i'm ready to turn in, too. (getting jay off to work pre 6am and jayden up for kindergarten at 6.30 takes a lot out of me, so turning in early is so important - sleep deprivation is so unhealthy)

2. make drafts of blog entries - you can start and save entries as you think of them/have time to add to them - then cut and paste it into a new entry before publishing. this is a trick that really helps in publishing every day as i do. i have about 10 entries in draft form at any given time.

3. don't spread yourself too thin - as far as the crafty things go, narrow it down to a few things you love and can afford. nothing stinks more than finding something that breaks the bank or budget. for me, projects have to be cheap and fast in their completion time - things i can start and finish in an afternoon are ideal. i need that sense of accomplishment.

4. communication with your hubbie - let him know that you need some YOU time and work out when you can get it without it being disruptive to the family time flow. remind him that if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy. take that you time and GET OUT - whether it's a walk by yourself or window shopping or reading in the coffee shop or talking with friends, it will amaze you how much it helps lighten the load of being at home with munchkins all day. this can be a hard one when husbands work hard and are gone a lot - TRUST ME, I KNOW. but if we can make it work, anyone can.

anyway, hope some of this was helpful. motherhood is wonderful, but without balance it can over-run your life.


Brandy said...

Thank you all for commenting! Even though you all are thousands of miles away, I can feel your support!