Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2 little monkeys!

This is what I do all day... keep an eye on these two! This pic was taken church... even there they are little hellions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

There's you in everything I do

We're two of a kind. Nature or nurture, that's debatable. What is known is I carry a lot of her traits both good and bad.


We both put others needs/wants above our own, sometimes to fault. Showing our love by the things we do. Using our gifts to lift others up. Whether it's a clean house, a creative photo book, or knowing exactly what to say. Thank you mom for all that you do for me and our family!


So yeah, we loose our keys A LOT! We know what it's like for each other having a million thoughts roam through our head. It's sometimes distracting, but always interesting!


Although her inner world always seems to be filled with roses and sunshine, and mine is filled with the POSSIBILITY of rain and ants coming to the picnic. She's showed me reality has limitations, so why not fantasize about what could be! Within your head anything is possible.

Alone time a necessity  

 We're both introverted, but NOT shy.. at least not with strangers. You may see us chat it up with complete strangers, but when it comes to opening up our inner worlds, it takes a long time to gauge who can handle our quirkiness.  Oh, and don't ask her to accompany you to the mall (picture wild animal in cage). But if you must, she will because she loves you that much! 

Patience... what's that?

Mom's time limit for watching the littles is about 2.5 hours. 

I too, loose my patience often, needing to re-evaluate what's not working. My mom however, is much more go with the flow than I am. I strive for others to better themselves, while my mom is more accepting of loved ones the way they are. I believe this difference between the two of us compliments, but sometimes divides. None the less, patience is something we constantly pray for more of! 

Pssst....Mom your craziness is showing

Just like my mom, as I age (not the same as mature) I reveal more of my quirks. She's taught me it's fun to be who I am! 

It's crazy, silly, fun when we do this together.. the kids think we're bat shit crazy!


We share many and complain to each other the way we wish we could be. More tolerant, outgoing, motivated, will-powered, ect. But we're accepting of each other just the way we are and lift each other up when the other self loathes. We love each other unconditionally, faults and all. 

I love that my mom gave me pieces of herself. I also love that she gives me her wisdom on how to both love and manage this crazy personality of mine.. I am who I am! Thanks Mom!

Mom was an air traffic control - I was a 911 dispatcher
Now I'm a stay at home mom - She is a stay at home grandma

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day

This was almost our song, but God kept us together! As broken as we are, God keeps us together for a reason.... a vow! Our endearing love sees us through the ups and downs.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


So many things I'd like to say, but not my place and cannot. My snow globe shaken, nothing to do but watch the flakes float down and fall where they may. I pray for God to mold and shape me and I shall fall where ever He sees fit. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


I feel like this most days! Putting out one fire after another. And God help me if the fire catches!

Emma playing (strangling) the dog.. dog bites her, she's now crying. Christian deciding to wrestle with Sam (which turns into a fight). Maddy leaving her door open, which in turn invites Emma to take her makeup. Emma who decided to take that makeup and paint a masterpiece on the wall, stairs and doors. Dane comes home to ask......"What's for dinner?"

Yes my house is insane most of the time. I try and try to make it a place that everyone wants to be with harmony. But right now.. here it comes, my favorite saying.. "IT IS WHAT IT IS."

I love them to death but it's hard! And I am not that person that can do it all, all of the time. Seriously I don't know a single person that can! 

Others have no right to judge, or offer unasked for advice on a situation that can not possibly be understood. Instead why not offer support, where ever it's needed. A nap, a meal, a shower, or sometimes just shoulder to cry on with an sympathetic ear. 

Remember from grade school sympathy is different from empathy. Just because you haven't gone through the same trials, doesn't mean you can't try to have sympathy. 

Why this rant? Because I have sympathy for a fellow mom. 

OlYMPIA — It’s an unthinkable crime, a mother accused of slitting the throats of her three young children.
What this story does not tell is she is comes from a family of God. Her grandfather is very dear to me. He was the youth pastor when I came to God. It's easy to pick fingers as to why this happened... Postpartum, medication, alcohol, lack of support, ect. Instead of playing the blame game, we should forgive and pray for healing. Let God be at work! Playing the blame game, is satin's job.