Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thank heavens for Emmalyn!

It's easy to understand why her sister insists on taking her everywhere. She brightens the darkest of times. When you think a task is impossible, she turns your thoughts hopeful! When you're anxious, hold her, and she fills you with calm. When you're crying, she'll smile and dry your tears. 

Watch her excitement as she plays the day filled with fun and laughter. Emma is pure sunshine. When the rain comes, she lights the dark with her rainbows!

Sam - "Can you give a dream?"

Sam has found a new hobby collecting "electronic components!" It's so endearing hearing my 6 year old say such big words. This big mess gave me a great idea for last nights dream.

One day you and Emma were outside playing (chasing chickens) when out of the sky a small space ship crashed landed in our backyard! You were a very scared, but Emma was curious and went to go investigate. As she was tapping on the ship, the top lifted up and out popped a tiny alien. "Awe he's so cute," Emma squealed. You didn't think so, you were still scared. But then he spoke. "Don't be scared, I was watching you guys from way up there," he said pointing to the sky. "I just wanted to come and play too."

All afternoon the three of you played. You showed him all of your toys and tools.  And Emma discovered that aliens are really good at ridding chickens. You all were having so much fun laughing and playing that time slipped by fast. The sunlight started fading, and the moon shown brighter. The little alien, Chicken Rider (Sam named him) said he had to go home to his mom and dad. "That's where I live," he pointed to a star. "Hey that's the second star to the right, are you neighbors with Peter Pan?" Chicken Rider looked at you baffled.

You guys all said your goodbyes. Chicken Rider climbed in his ship, waved goodbye, and closed the top hatch. You and Emma waited in anticipation to see the ship fly, but nothing happened. Chicken Rider hopped out, and started to cry. "My ship is broken, how will I get home now?"

You knew just what to do! Running inside you yelled, "I'll be right back!" You grabbed your bag of electronic components and tools then ran back outside. "I'm gonna fix your ship!" And you did just that!

You were so proud as you watched the ship fly off into the night. Emma yelled, "bye, bye, wuv you!" You hoped that someday he would come back again to play. Maybe even tomorrow!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to School

I NEED some quiet time! Then I will be recharged and more engaged!

Others may see me as outgoing and social, and I can be for them. But for myself I CRAVE alone time! For those wanting all the things I offer and do for them.. they NEED to give me alone time. It helps to have a little time to remember who I am. No soaking up the wants, needs and emotions of others. Just time to commune with myself and my God. Write a poem, read a book, watch a movie, listen to music.. all things I love to feed my soul. When my internal timer goes off, I'm ready to soak up those wants, needs and emotions from others. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Everyone falls in love with Emma

She is so full of life. I wish I could record every moment with her.

She's so petite and tiny. Born at just 17 inches, she'll be small like me. 

If she can't see me I won't get my diaper changed
So silly, every moments with her is fun.. except those stinky diapers

Everyone loves how she runs..

Just like her mom
"Like your running towards the swings, or from Satan.... ?? they neighbor's dog"
"See, and you don't care if people are staring cuz it's just a moment then you're gone!"

Loves to share special rituals with everyone. 
High five, pound it, noggin

She makes you smile!  

Amazing fashion sense, and the puppy dog eyes to get what she wants. 

Life is exciting when you see it through her eyes... SQUIRREL!

Her amazing ability to make friends, they flock to her. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sam "Can you give me a dream?"

Tonight's dream consisted of Sam helping on the Christmas Trail out at his grandparent's place. He was not happy one bit that he was not given a superhero costume in this dream, instead, he wore an elf costume. Sam then told me I was fired. So this may be the end of giving Samuel dreams at night before bed.... sigh.