Thursday, July 31, 2014

15 Years!

I know it's been a up hill challenge. Dane says I'm easy to love, but the circumstances within our lives have not always been easy. Thank you Father for helping him love me!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Surprise Date Night!

Where are we going?

Very funny Dane! HAHA

We went here!

The Drive

And why would they want to search our car? Hmmmm

Motley Crue Final Tour 2014 Ridgefield, WA

We leaned against the back wall and enjoyed the music of the evening (my favorite..Kicks Start my Heart, rink DJ would play it every time I speed skated as a kid). That was fun, but the best part was the people watching! Grandmas, kids, drinkers, and smokers oh my!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Longing for Fall

- Bob Marley

An early morning rain made me long for my favorite season...fall. Specifically the first washing of rain that fills the senses with renewal. The smell of rain on the hot pavement, the excitement of a new school year, the cooler refreshing air. Summer filled with memories will get me through the ugliness of weeks and weeks of Oregon rain. I both welcome and love to say goodbye to summer, fall, winter, spring. But by far fall is my favorite!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A church is just a church right?

Memories at Trinity Lutheran Church...

Emmalyn's baptism - 2012 (Pastor ?)
Samuel's baptism - 2008 (Pastor Kasting)
Madelyn's baptism - 2003 (Pastor Kasting)
Christian's baptism - 2001 (Pastor Kasting)
My baptism - 2001 (Pastor Kasting)
Married - 1999  (Pastor Kasting)
Dane's baptism- 1976 (Pastor Ruthenbeck)

I have a lot of memories at TLC, but memories aren't the only thing that I hold dear. A church is not made up of bricks and mortar but of other worshipers. The Christians at our church have a genuine love for Christ and show that in many ways. Their greetings to one another, their attention drawn to the pastor's words, their voices praising in song, and their actions to share with insiders and outsiders.

I recently decided to judge our church. To do so, I needed a comparison. While visiting another, only myself and another time with Emma and I. Judged the content of the Word and the people hearing it. I listened with open ears but held true to my known faith. And looked around at the worshipers to search the tenor and faith. The reaction to my child showed me how accepting and tolerant they are of others. No, I was not going to send my child downstairs for Sunday school at a new church while I worshiped with the "grown-ups". 

Jesus loved little children because of how pure their faith was. They have no filter and say what's on their mind! They have yet to encounter all the bitterness of this world and can see things unmasked by the Holy Spirit.

My children are good judges of people and can tell if they are warm and inviting then jump in without concern. This is why I love TLC! My children feel at home smiling at people, they don't hold back and are themselves,  excited to be there and are not afraid.