Every week Dane and I do a PSA for the kiddos. Do they read it? Sam...
That said, we enjoy informing the kiddos of the week's plans so they can veto a dinner (usually Christian). We then work on the grocery list. Still, some kiddos complain there's NOTHING good to eat :( So sad, so very, very, sad. Our critters appreciate me the most! They don't talk back, give me tons of affection, and ask very little of me. Food, a clean litter box, and a short walk equal happiness!
Last Week's Highlights
It snowed!!!
This Week's PSAs
Think before you act & SNACK
Be happy where you are.
Focus on the family.
Take breaks from technology. LOL
Go outside and take a breath.
Rub Kahuna for good luck.
Be thankful for what you have.
This Week’s Menu