Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Cape Disapointment


This time I was NOT disappointed! Dane went last time with the boys. 

Start of my new bird necklace pendant

Fun day with the boys! Exhausting, but fun! We shared memories and made lots of new ones to laugh at later. The cape is a two-hour drive, but it was worth it. You see, the car is the one place they can't run away from me, so it's a great place to talk and find out what's happening in their world. 

Typical over-achiever Christian finished college classes early and was itching to get out. His plan...to fill 9 buckets of beach sand rich with gold flakes before my 3pm cut-off. Typical ME, after trying to sit and relax I failed and hauled buckets back to the car too. Those buckets weighed about 70 lbs! Sam seeing me hauling and also wanting to leave at a decent hour helped out too. Shacky and week, we earned that 4pm breakfast/lunch/dinner! But honestly, I wished we had chosen a better place to eat...HEARTBURN all-night-long!

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