Friday, October 9, 2015

Blurred past

It all seems to run together, my feelings of the past blurred. Highs and lows of yesterdays I no longer feel, but today feels vibrant. The sting of things today will fade. I pray now tomorrow a memory worth lasting, holding on till it trickles... into a blur

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Gladstone United!

photo credit to Mindy Christopher

These kids had such a great game today playing against their rival. Both teams were undefeated, but only one stayed that way. So proud of these boys for working so hard to stay on top!

Ready for us?
(Team party last night! Picture posed and sent to the opposing team)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Me time!

Time alone upstairs, listening to the littles with Dane downstairs. What could be sweeter? Hmmm... What shall it be tonight?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

An enigma

Hence why my blog some months have an entry everyday and others have maybe one. I'm constantly writing in my mind, things I want to get out, things I want to remember, things I wish I could forget. But sometimes I just don't have it in me and I suppress it all, letting it eat me up inside. Pain sometimes feels good, and I wallow in it all by myself. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What a glorious morning!

Waking up this morning I felt like I was in the twilight zone. ALL of my kids woke up on their own and were dressed before I moseyed my way downstairs.

Usually my mornings go a little something like this....

  • Wake up to hair pulling by Emma.

  • Make my way downstairs, Emma needs her juice and I need my COFFEE! After 20 minutes of letting the caffeine break my fog, I am brave enough to wake the slumbering bear (Sam). 

  • This takes great finesse! I usually start w/ a back-rub, after I find him burred in the covers. Then I move on to tickling :)  The back-rub I know he loves so well turns in to a dare as I lightly tickle his sides.. "Handle it, handle it!" He tries his best not to laugh, but I usually win, and a full tickle war ensues. 

  • Christian 99% of the time is dressed showered and checking his Instagram... But I digress, he loves school! 

  • Next is usually my hardest endeavor..... getting Maddy out of bed. We've always called her our sunshine....but we may have to change that nickname during her teen years because she is not a morning person! Blankets will be pulled off, there is usually a pillow tug of war, and then of course the rolling in ball to stay warm. 

I know this morning was a fluke, and yes I asked Dane to pinch me, but I'll take it! For once I got to sit on the couch and watch morning cartoons w/ my kids without the worry of making it to school on time!