Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today's challenge: Grab the nearest book (randomly picked this book from the shelf in my living room) "The Purpose Driven Life" and flip to page 29. Write about the first word.


I actually had a post in my drafts folder that I started sometime ago.  Ramblings that coincides with this word - WORRY. 

Being a worry wort isn't just a burden, however it would be nice to be able to just turn off one's brain.
 "Ignorance is bliss."
But having a mind that is constantly wanting to figure out future events, shows the ability to examine things from many angles, and look at the big picture. These worry wort's are the people that change the world. We are not idle thinkers, whether we want to or not, our brains are constantly exercising. 

The Suicide’s Soliloquy is an unsigned poem, thought to be written by Abraham Lincoln, first published on August 25, 1838

This stanza paints the picture of the burden, but also shows the artistic ability an overactive mind can have.

To ease me of this power to think,
      That through my bosom raves,
I'll headlong leap from hell's high brink
      And wallow in its waves.

The problem I have that I share with many other worriers, is when I get lost in the cycle of worry it can turn into fear. Fear puts a kink in your thinking shutting down the analytic and rational left brain. 

Although FDR is most famous for this quote, the bible states many times how fear can overtake one's life. I pray for peace from worrying and fear life throws us. I don't have the personality to live my life blind-fully bliss, my scatterbrain searches out the many "why's" encountered, not only in my crazy life, but the the world as a whole. But by putting my trust in God, knowing his plan has our souls best interest at heart, eases my fears and worries. God gave me this mind, let me put it to good use. To stop my own cycle of worry, and shine a light in fearful hearts.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jr. High - Brought to you by Mean Girls

This week my kids in health class are learning about sex and puberty, can you say "AWKWARD!"

Yes girls are obsessed at this age about their weight :( 

I'm happy to report that more kids are finding their own style! 

The cool words we had at that age, are null and void. "Whatever!"

"Awkward" is my daughters favorite word, and it's rubbing off on me

But at least it's better than some of the other colorful words kids use

Luckily there are more good little tweens/teens than bad

This lesson starts in Jr. High

It takes a special person to have the patience and humor to teach middle school!!! 

To my daughter who hates going to school everyday,

I did my time, taught me a lot. I can save you a lot of heartache and headache if you listen to my insight. Some things may have change, but human nature tends to not. Too bad schools are cutting history out of the curriculum. History always repeats!