Monday, May 5, 2014

My not so clean house

I've got 4 sticky, messy, busy, don't care about the state of our house kids. My house is in a constant state of dirty chaos! Wait..make that 5 kids, Dane's a big offender! I'm learning to let go of the picture in my head of what a clean house should look like for the sake of my sanity.

So cleaning now consists of this...

I sweep daily. Because who wants dirty pirate feet from walking around the house.

I clean the bathroom floor ONLY when a tub full of water gets splashed on the floor. It gets cleaned often :)

My two littles LOVE spray bottles. So I let them do the dusting, just wish they didn't use half the bottle!

Dishes are much more entertaining with the help of a 2 yr old and BUBBLES!

Laundry is my never ending story!

The littles think that cleaning the litter box is like digging for treasure. HAVE FUN KIDS!!

(I can't believe I found this picture)

Clean counters, and clean toes!

I'm a perfectionist, but having happy kids is more important than a clean house! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Daniel in the lions den / The hallways of highschool

This is one of my favorite stories in the bible. I love how God had turned the plan of corrupted men upside down! I can't tell you how many times I've felt like Daniel praying to God to deliver me!

No one outsmarts God! The enemies of Daniel thought they were so smart. They thoughtfully planned and executed a flawless deception and plan. Yet in the end even though everything had gone according to their plan, they did not have the victory they had foreseen.


Ever feel like your're in the lions den?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Back from outdoor school!

As I waited outside the middle school with Sam and Emma, other parents arrived with cameras in hand. The first bus pulled up, empty of students, but full of packed luggage. The next bus arrived filled with students waving their arms out the window, screaming witty greetings to  loved ones. When all the kids finally got off the buses, it was utter chaos! Parents were hugging, friends were saying goodbye, and teachers were breathing a sigh of relief. The sound was deafening! Christian, along with several other kids, helped unload the luggage bus. It was comical to see how most parents had the same idea - sent trash bags for used clothing. Christian and his friends formed a line and passed luggage to the curb. Emma, on the other hand, kept whining that she wanted "Brubber". Eventually, she got her way with a big hug! All the way home, Christian chatted about the incredible time he had.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Other side of the rainbow

Someone recently told me they'd looked around my blog and my Facebook page, and my life seemed so perfect. Don't worry it wasn't a stalker! Although I didn't confirm she wasn't a robot. ;)

At first I said.. HA, obviously you don't know me very well! But then I thought about it some more.  Even friends and extended family who know me quite well, don't know the same Brandy my family of 6 knows.

Those that look into what I've shown of my life on this blog and FB will only see what I've wanted and felt comfortable sharing. However, lately I've realized I no longer care about what others think of me. I want to post EVERYTHING that I'll want to remember about this life!

You've seen the beautiful pictures of "perfect" birthday parties, sunsets on the beach, my ever enduring love posts (insert gagging sound). Here's my post of the other side of my rainbow (as much as I'll disclose).

I'm sometimes ugly, gross, stupid, ill-tempered, neglectful, ..... SINFUL!

I'm sometimes UGLY... Especially when I'm mad!

I'm sometimes GROSS.. My kids like to point that out.. along with old, replaceable, and other immature things. :)

I'm sometimes STUPID.. aka forgetful, act/say things before I think, fail to consult calendars or Google on important things. Again, my kids love to point this trait out! Never argue with a teen.. they know EEVERRYTHINGG!

I'm sometimes ILL-TEMPERED.. which is a nice way of saying  B*tch!

I'm sometimes NEGLECTFUL... Come on, I'm only one person with 1 set of eyes, 1 set of hands.. and 5 family members! Those outside my family don't get much of my time. Sorry if I "forgot" to call you back! :)

I sometimes occasionally SIN!

Why disclose that? Because I care how others feel! I want others to know I am not perfect, and to not feel bad about their imperfect lives. We've all got our trials, lets lift up one another!

So to all those that read this.. I am human! Facebook and Blogging are all about sharing our lives with one another, and finding connections. Most people don't share the bad and the ugly. And for good reason, who wants to SHARE the bad and the ugly? Who wants to REMEMBER the bad and the ugly? 

I do! 

It's what makes me, me!