Thursday, December 14, 2023


With Christmas on my mind, I found the hamster Hilton at a thrift store after work. Knowing M* needed a furry roommate, I simply could not resist! Armed with the cute cage, I strutted into the pet store. The experts recommended the tiniest furballs as the cage was not the Hilton I believed it to be. I inquired about their personalities and got a firm "Pick this one, hands down."

Dane, initially grumpy, had a change of heart when he saw her joy and later apologized for stealing my thunder. Naming critters has always been a struggle for our family, not this time! "Nugget" as he was the perfect sized treat for always hungry Miss Kitty. 

Now, here's where it gets comically absurd. Sam insists on calling him "Bingus," perhaps because when he's in his purple hamster ball, it's driving resembles mine. Nugget's hilarity keeps us all entertained! We just need to keep the killer, Miss Kitty, from making him her little nugget! 

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