Thursday, September 22, 2016

Summit ahead, or another peak to climb?

Nah.. I know there will be many peaks and valleys. 

I love this time at night when I can just breathe, and finally analyze the day from all the different angle I've had to juggle. Sometimes I take this time to research things that have plagued my mind, other times I just feel like turning the day off by watching a movie or reading. It depends on how selfish I am, the more of myself I have lost the more I feel like diving into another world. Today like most days I was extremely busy, but unlike most days today felt more hopeful. You see most days I feel like one step forward two steps back.

Today felt like there was actual hope to not only to make a difference, but see someone else take one, two, three steps forward! I'm not only once again hopeful.. but also feeling prideful.