Saturday, June 2, 2012

Emmalyn's 2 month doctor visit

Weight: 8lbs 13oz 3%
Length: 22 inches 25%
Head: 14.49 inches 3%

    As you can see, it didn't go too well :( She's been dropping weight percentiles since her first month. We're on the 3rd week of her having diarrhea (watery, explosive stools). She's pretty content for the most part, except when she has to "go" or has tummy rumblings. She's a very gassy little one! Her pediatrician thinks that she has a milk protein allergy, the same thing Samuel was diagnosed with when he was admitted to the hospital at one month of age with the vague explanation of failure to thrive. Her stool tested positive for reducing substances (her body is not absorbing sugars).
    I've done a ton of research, and basically, this is what it boils down to is this. If indeed this is what is behind her poor weight gain and diarrhea. Milk protein (that I've digested and transferred through breast milk) has damaged the lining of her gut. Now her body cannot absorb sugars and allow them to pass into the large intestines. Once in the large intestines, it causes her pain with gas and diarrhea. This would also explain the slow weight gain and her excessive sleepiness as our bodies need sugar for both energy and growth.
    Her pediatrician is monitoring her very closely and checking her weight weekly. At her last weigh-in, she gained only 1.5 oz in a week. We have been supplementing with a hypo-allergenic formula, however last week her doctor said I should switch to an all-formula diet as her diarrhea and weight aren't improving much. I left that appointment feeling very defeated and depressed! I was extremely heartbroken when I had to stop nursing Samuel at about 1 month of age, and here I was about to do it again. After doing a lot of research and soul-searching I decided to not yet give up on breastfeeding. I have had milk and major milk products out of my diet (for the most part) since she was 2 weeks old. And completely out since she started the diarrhea. From all that I've read, she should have shown improvement within that time and she has stayed the same. I know formula feeding is not the end of the world, but it does mean a lot to me. However, I will do whatever needs to be done to keep her healthy and happy. I requested a referral to a pediatric dietitian to weigh in on her case. After I speak with her I will make the decision whether or not to continue breastfeeding. Her next weigh-in is on Monday 6/4.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I feel for you. Giving up breastfeeding would break my heart too. I really hope that above and beyond anything, you can figure out what is bothering Emmalyn and get her back on track.