Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sam is 2yrs old!

I can't believe Sam is already 2yr old! He had such a fun time at his B-day party, and got lots of fun toys! The next day Sam had is well child visit at his pediatrician. His doctor was shocked at how big he has gotten! At his 18mo check up he was under weight and in the 1st percentile, weighing in at 20lbs. At this last visit he weighed 24lbs and jumped to the 10th percentile! First time in 2 yrs we no longer have to worry about his weight. Hospitalizations, prescription formulas, weight checks, all of that is long gone! Not only has he advanced in weight, this boy can talk like no other 2yr old! He not only repeats words, but quickly learns the meanings of them. Last week Sam noticed he had a sliver in his big toe, he came to me and said "band-aid, hurts". Then he lead me to the bathroom where we keep the band-aids. So put some ointment on it along with the band-aid. Later that night when the band-aid got pulled off, Sam came to me and said "band-aid", "ointment." He's a smart one!
Here's another story to brag about. We were at the bank the other day. And while talking with the teller miss Maddy kept interrupting me. So I turned to her and scolded "your interrupting me, you can show me what you want me to see in a minute, you have to wait!" Sam who was on my hip scolded "Maddy wait!" he also held his hand up and wiggled his fingers (the sign for wait)! I use that sign a lot in the car when Sam wants something that he's dropped, as I can't exactly stop the car and get it for him.
Every Sunday our extended family gets together for Sunday dinner at my mother in-laws house. And every Sunday Sam is the center of attention. No wonder he's so advanced, he's got 15 of us nurturing his development, and he loves to please!
Happy birthday Sam, you are such an amazing 2yr old! You brighten my days and always make me laugh.

1 comment:

AmericanPatriot said...

You didn't mention how Sam kept having me re-light the candles. I think I had to re-light them about 10 times before he was satisfied. What a great day, good weather, fun kids, gorgeous wife, what more could a guy ask for?

You should add some pics of Sam in the Mustang. For those of you who don't know, Sam loves to sit in my Mustang while I work on it. He's my garage buddy. He calls it "drive drive".