Saturday, September 12, 2020

Hazardous air conditions - Oregon Wildfires.


You know that feeling when standing around the campfire, you move and the windy smoke follows. UUGGG that's what it feels like when you walk out the front door, you can't escape the stifling smoke! We have the most hazardous air conditions WORLD WIDE. Therefore we have all the animals in the house...1 Dog, 3 Cats, and a Rabbit. I don't know which is worse the smoke smell outside or the barn stink inside! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Oregon Fires 2020

Along with these major fires, smaller fires are popping up here and there. The two very close to home are thankfully extinguished  tonight. The larger fires (112k acres)
however are at 0% containment and are spreading quite quickly. My in-laws fantasy trail extremely close to this dangerous fire! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Media Detox

With all the crap going on in the world today; COVID, social justice, cancel culture, presidential race, how to have the perfect Pinterest work studio for distance learning 😱, etc. etc. . I put my hands up and prayed! I prayed for God's wisdom as my mind was in constant danger mode. I heard be still! I did so for about a week, no social media, no TV! A total reset! During that time I learned a lot about the brain! "This is your brain... this is your brain on drugs!" I did an about-face and learned about things that are healthy for the brain and my well being. 
I'm back from my mental vacation and have learned a few tricks to make social media more "my brain-friendly." 

-Snooze (for 30 days) those in your life that bring up triggers. I suggest snoozing again until mid-November for obvious reasons. 
- Unfollow those groups that feed into your worries! Unless you plan on taking action to help said groups, what is the point of just giving thoughts and prayers? 
- Put a time limit on the news. If you feel the need to get caught up on the news, do so with local news (they tend to be more neutral) and it's information that pertains to your local life.  That said, Portland has a lot going on, so I put a time limit to my viewing. Morning news only, watching the news before bed is not a good idea. Before my "reset" I was watching live protests at night, waking up to ask the question "Are we in a civil war yet?" It was a very toxic way of thinking. 
- ESCAPE! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed a good fiction book. And it's good for the kids to see Mom relaxed and enjoying herself!