Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

2020 Graduation

Chrisian's school announcement regarding this years graduation....

We have decided on an in person graduation that will take place in our current building at 1394 NW Civic Drive, Gresham. OR 97030 on Thursday, June 11th. Each graduate will sign up for a time (sign up sheet will go out shortly) that they can bring two guests and walk across a "stage" in the MEWA lobby area. We will practice social distancing and of course be sanitizing any surfaces in between graduates. We will have to require guests, graduates and MEWA staff to wear masks during the ceremony. There will be a photographer present and we will have a zoom link available that families can share with others who are unable to attend in person. **This event can only take place if we have enough students wanting to participate.

Like this year's prom, we have social media to help us celebrate....

Thursday, April 30, 2020

R I P Raspberry

Raspberry (Emma's black and white rabbit) will be missed by us all! 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 46?

Distance learning week 2 day 3. I'm losing my EVER LOVING MIND!

I did the math. I have 4 kids, that's 2 hours a day, times 4, equals 8. Let me double-check because I've been instructed we always double-check 4x2=8 HOURS!!! Holy crap how are moms across the country doing this every day? OK, let me be honest... I would never spend that amount of time on schoolwork with my kids, but the amount they are assigning would equate to about that much. So we've been skipping the "specials" like P.E., music, and library. I figure we go on a walk and they listen to music on nightly drives with Dad. Shouldn't reading through their assignments count as library time? I know, that's very crass of me.. but I'm getting crass with all the rules!
However, even one hour per kid is challenging! YEP 4 kids, no kidding! They have been told it's OK to take breaks, don't stress. While I agree with keeping things chill and not stressing, it's frustrating when one kid will do a little bit of work and desire a break, then wait till I'm busy with dinner to want to finish their school assignments. That said, the assignments between the two littles have been stacking up. I feel like I'm drowning!
Let me vent about math, my favorite subject. LOL (2nd grade... have yet to look at Sam's 5th-grade assignments this week. I'd like to be that mom... teach the ways of math. How to carry the one. Yikes, I know others before me have tried and failed. Today, 2nd graders reminded teachers to follow the instructions on new math, those that don't toe the line will have to try again. Considering they record answers, I also, had to learn how to add "friendly" numbers with "big hops" and "little hops". I'm finally getting it! :) 
Emma using sass and confidence teaches New Math....


Learning new long division with Samuel