Thursday, March 26, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day - 14

Can you guess mine? I can't imagine the stress of adding school work to the mix!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2020 Quarantine Day 13

We thought a Pandemic would be the perfect time to raise a couple of ducklings. They are getting a lot of love and attention. Still haven't decided on names but we're getting lots of ideas.


Monday, March 23, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 11

Christian was born on April 9th, 2001, at 5 months old, I sat glued to the TV watching 9-11 unfold. Everyone mourned and came together during an uncertain and scary time.  Fast forward 18 years. This June is another monumental event that will be forever clouded by a world shutting down and mourning.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

2020 Quarantine - Day 10

March 22nd

The weather has been so beautiful during this time of self-distancing. Daily walks and bike rides with the littles have been so refreshing during a time when there's not much else to do. Downtown Gladstone, I saw kids playing on the playground, teens having picnics in the park, and the Pickleball courts were full! I've never seen so many families out and about enjoying each other. So not looking forward to being cooped up indoors for the foreseeable future, shit's about to get real!

2020 Quarantine Day -

A couple of weeks ago, I was explaining to Sam how the Coronavirus was killing elderly and medically fragile people more than young healthy individuals. He shared an interesting insight after I explained how the immune system works (ie.. your neck has adenoids that fill up with "fighter cells" when you have a cold). He said something like this...

"What I think is happening is the immune system of older people or people who are already sick, is that their immune system is already on high alert so it goes overboard."