Saturday, December 19, 2015

xmas party

Yeah she may never forgive me IF I get her to get in the car, out of the car and attend this party. BUT I'm trying to preach what I, we as a family do...put others feelings first. Go to the party you were invited to, be present and let others enjoy the company of YOU! In that be yourself, let your walls come down. If they love you as you are, you will be invited next year.... YAY! -Spot on!! IF only I had more time, I hate being under the gun! 

We can hope for snow, that would be perfect day all around! 

Friday, December 18, 2015


It's been months but I finally updated my other blog, painful as it was! Those that know it know where to find it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New hairstyle for 2016

Knowing I needed a hair cut, I let Maddy "trim" my hair. It turned out to be more than a trim.. EEK! It's been 2+ years since I've cut my hair and with Emma's obsession with torturing it, I've decided it's time. Now I just need to decide on my new look.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Front teeth for xmas!

It happened! Sam lost his other front tooth tonight! Pic to follow, after the tooth fairy visit! 

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth 


What a down pour today! No umbrella! Seeing everyone rushing to pick their kid up and run to their cars, I had to laugh. It's only water! I think it's actually a lot of fun to get drenched, took my time and enjoyed my exciting walk. Sam, Emma and I screamed as we splashed along. Once home I was drenched, cold to the bone and ready for a shower, this time HOT!