Friday, December 18, 2015


It's been months but I finally updated my other blog, painful as it was! Those that know it know where to find it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New hairstyle for 2016

Knowing I needed a hair cut, I let Maddy "trim" my hair. It turned out to be more than a trim.. EEK! It's been 2+ years since I've cut my hair and with Emma's obsession with torturing it, I've decided it's time. Now I just need to decide on my new look.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Front teeth for xmas!

It happened! Sam lost his other front tooth tonight! Pic to follow, after the tooth fairy visit! 

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth 


What a down pour today! No umbrella! Seeing everyone rushing to pick their kid up and run to their cars, I had to laugh. It's only water! I think it's actually a lot of fun to get drenched, took my time and enjoyed my exciting walk. Sam, Emma and I screamed as we splashed along. Once home I was drenched, cold to the bone and ready for a shower, this time HOT!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


I've been wanting to cut my hair for a long time.. but after Maddy curled my hair on Thanksgiving I'm contemplating keeping it long. Why not let the littles enjoy and destroy my long locks completely before chopping off all my damaged hair? If I ever want it to look nice, I can visit Maddy's beauty salon! I'm a no fuss kinda gal and for the most part pony tails, or a quick bush out w/ my fingers is all I care about.