Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Brandalyn's 5th Kindle

I had to laugh when I saw that at the top of my new kindle.
THIS time, it won't get broken or lost ;)
There are 8,499 free kindle books on Amazon!
Take me away to another point of view.
I love to read!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Bandaids won't heal bullet holes

People need to understand when a relationship is too broken to fix
there will never be not enough time, words or acceptance
salvage what is good and heal what is important
accept the ugly scars that remain.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Forecast seems grim today, see things coming to a head

Too many times though, after everything is said and done, we knew where those twists and turns would ultimately take us, and all too often, it isn’t anywhere nice or comforting but rather, it is a prison of emotional death.

UGGG homework!

I just spent 4 hours doing homework with Christian! I don't think I've ever spent that much time doing homework while in 8th grade. I now know everything I never needed to know about the Revolutionary War!

Yes, history is important. In fact, I believe one of the most important subjects. But this essay's format was ridiculous! We spent more time and frustration on how it was supposed to be written than the actual content. I just love how Common Core is molding our kids to be cookie-cutter replicas. Hail to the test!