Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Garbage Monster!

Emmalyn wakes up extra early on Wednesday mornings. She hears the first pass of the garbage trucks, and my dream gets interrupted by this 2-year-old insisting we go see.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sam had such a great time at his bday party! I think the highlight for him was shooting balloons with a Red Ryder BB gun. He also really enjoyed his Captain American suit that GaGa & Grandpa got him. I can't believe my little boy is 6! This is going to be an amazing year for Samuel! I've never known a kid so eager to start school. Next fall he will enjoy seeing friends everyday and learning to read and write. I'll have watch out for him searching for instructions on bomb making while on YouTube! :) Sam is so bright and charismatic, I can't wait to see where he goes in life!

Thursday, May 15, 2014