Sunday, May 12, 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024

Unspoken Resilience

Puzzle pieces, scattered and broken,
Her mind is like a puzzle left unspoken.
Fifty as a child. A hundred as a tween. 
Two hundred as an adult, it seems now to be! 

Her brain struggles, a routine no one can see.
Her pain I can feel, anchors my heart to hers. 
Wash, rinse, repeat...the same old song we sing. 
Yet her coy smile pushes my patience to do its thing. 

Though her mind is a haze, 
Her voice is now loud, her spirit ablaze.
A fighter, a warrior, one day at a time. 
Her strength I'd love to share, with all sometime! 

Puzzle pieces, scattered and broken, 
But her spirit remains forever outspoken. 
Her will to push on, her strength to fight, 
A beacon of hope in the darkest of night.

-Her mom