Thursday, December 9, 2021

Chloe our 5th child!!!


Wow look at her smile!

Chloe's getting a brother!! MAYBE

Too fast!!!

I'd be mad too! Mom (me, myself, and I) said we would go to do something today now it's been scheduled for tomorrow if I can, then I got "squirreled" doing something else. That doesn't mean that I don't love him. Sigh...can everyone in this family give me a HOT MINUTE to get everyone on the same page!!!

A conundrum I can type, however, I don't like the pressure. UGGG he's taking a speed run course on nutrition. Great subject to study, but not so great when he suffers from OCD. But hey we're learning a lot of great info! He dictates I type.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Our next family member! I hope!!


God's perfect plan. We met this little boy last night. The lady who met with us said that she was once assaulted while showing her puppies, so she now meets in public places. What is wrong with people these days? Back to happy thoughts...Seeing her smile again, that's what everyone's looking forward to!!!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Just Be...

Move forward one step at a time.
Don't think back to past memories.
They'll make you smile or make you cry.
Look around and just be.

Just be here in His presence.
Think about all the people you love...cherish them.
Think about all the people you loathe...pray for them.

Move forward one step at a time.
Don't look back at the hill you've just walked.
Don't look ahead at the mountain you've yet to climb.
Look around and just be.

Just be here in His presence.
Look around at all that's thankful.
Look around at all that's ugly...fix it.

Move forward one step at a time.
Feelings from the past contradict happy and sad.
Feelings in the future look bright but may disappoint. 
Look around and just be.

Enjoy this moment here and now!
Just be here with the One that made all of YOU!
Just be here with the One that wants all of YOU!
Just be here with the One that loves all of YOU!
Your Father, your King, your Savior... Jesus Christ!
When you're weak and look to the past or future,
Just call on Him to help you... Just be.

- Brandalyn Wenzel