Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bad boys, bad boys!

These two were delighted to have Uncle W* visit in his police car! Sam was full of questions and Emma pushed lots of buttons.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

My love affair

During the day I struggle to keep my head above water. A constant treading while I monologue inside my head. I pour it out at night, releasing it all to my beloved blank page. My love is not impatient and does not judge. Patiently awaiting the thoughts my mouth held tight.

Recently, I received a nomination for a blogging award on my anonymous blog. I feel very touched and honored that I've been nominated! Unfortunately, I haven't felt much like writing lately. Writer's block, perhaps. Or maybe it's simply because of the subject matter at hand. Each post I write takes a lot of insight and reflection, and I am praying for the courage and helpful insight to keep my blog going.

Monday, June 22, 2015

One Crazy Summer

Jonesing to what this again..

Gotta love that voice! 
the cute cartoon imagination 
I used to do my hair that way! 
No one plays a better romantic better than John and his crazed brain! 
And who doesn't like a movie where the under dog wins!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Things left undone

It's been ages since I've finished a book, came to a conclusion, or sat back and admired a project tied in neat bow. In my happiest times I've had breathing room to dedicate finishing things. But I'm learning and trying to accept that so many aspects of this life are connected to others, and things that I cannot control. It drives me bat shit crazy sometimes, but other times life's surprises make me smile.
I guess I need to accept the things I cannot bring to completion, and still find a balance in my need to see it's end vs see it's evolution. Life is beautiful either way. Just don't stall on me.. that REALLY drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY!