Monday, June 8, 2015

Loss for words


I am constantly writing in my head. Thoughts flow, get interrupted, and are lost forever. I have so much I need to release, yet stay locked inside. It eats at me, devouring pieces I'll never get to see. My feelings needful to bleed onto paper, hemorrhage inside. Little by little I lose myself.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mama Cheetah

Taken from my other blog...I've always felt a kinship to cheetahs...

Loners, set apart, they work hard just to stay alive. No pack to the rescue, the patterns in prey they see. Their tear drop stained face shows an evolution of feeling, and a sense of duty I respect!  - INFJ

 Mama Cheetah Saves Her Cub
Mama Cheetah lounged on a rock while watching baby cheetah run across the Savannah plains.  Her baby was a fast runner, the fastest cheetah she’d ever seen. Mama perks up as she sees baby rounding a curve at full speed. For Mama Cheetah knew baby, who loved to run, was sometimes hindered from a wound that had never healed.
Just as Mama Cheetah stands, baby disappeared from sight.  Running as fast as she could mama arrived to find baby had fallen into a great big hole.  The fracture in the earth was dark, scary and very, very deep.
Mama Cheetah circled the hole and was relieved to see a way out.  Someone had placed a ladder to assist anyone who might fall in.
“Everything’s going to be just fine! Climb up the ladder and you’ll be free!”
Mama looks down to see her daughter pacing in front of the ladder.
“I can’t, I can’t!” Baby Cheetah cried.
“What’s wrong? Why can’t you just climb the ladder?”
Baby Cheetah continued to pace in front of the ladder, growing more and more frustrated.  Her sad chirps changed to angry growls.
“The ladder is covered with scary bugs! I can’t climb up it!”
Mama Cheetah knew baby’s fear, and needed to think of a way to save her!  She knew it would be impossible to climb down and carry her up by herself. Baby cheetah was now too big to carry like she used to in the safe clutches of her teeth.  Mama then realized the only way she could help her baby, was to coach her out.
“You can do it, the bugs can’t hurt you.” Mama said calmly.
“But they’re scary, and I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared!” Baby cheetah chanted over and over again.
“Just count to three, close your eyes, and start climbing!” Mama said calmly.
Hesitating, baby cheetah paced and growled in front of the ladder.
“DO IT NOW!” Mama, roared.
“One, two, THREE!” Baby cheetah closed her eyes and started climbing up the ladder. With every step the bugs on each rung became fewer and fewer.
“I’m doing it!” Baby cheetah cried proudly.
“You’re doing it!” Mama cheetah cried proudly.
Just a few steps from the top Mama cheetah could see baby’s face beaming with pride.  Baby cheetah planted her feet on the ground and nodded to Mama.  She then darted off into the sunset of the Savannah, faster than Mama cheetah had ever seen her baby run.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Warm snuggles! - Updated

Update - Poor, poor Emma has pneumonia :( 103.5 fevers for the past 4 days have not been fun! 

I secretly love when my kids get sick (not serious illness or puking). The littles always get so snuggly and want nothing more than my presence. Life slows down for a bit, and I get to re-watch for the 100th time various Disney movies. My tween and teen on the other hand, are a bit of a pill and act like they are dying!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Not enough air!!

We have a broken drainage pipe under our house, DH is planning fixing/replacing the pipe next weekend. Even though it's not me that will be crawling and working in this small space, I am FREAKING out! I don't do well in small spaces. While in a packed elevator I want to scream that everyone is breathing MY AIR!
I'm thankful he will be the one going under the house for who knows how many hours. But it still pains me to think of how horrible it will be. I hope I will at least be of some help... I'll hose him off in the backyard when done. :)

Friday, May 29, 2015

It is well with my soul

We all have good traits and bad that are constantly at war with each other, I am no different! I long for understanding not just for myself but for others. If we connect our mind and feelings for a common goal it is more obtainable. Blahh, blaah, blahh.. my words go out, may my actions speak louder than my words.