Saturday, January 3, 2015

Goodbye 2014

This past year I've done more inward evaluating, and assessing of myself and those that fit into my life than I've ever done before. I came to understand how my view of reality, my way of thinking, and my way of doing things were often times foreign to those around me. This understanding explained so much of why I felt so out of place at times. But I also learned that opening up to the people I love, those who love me no matter what showed me love has no boundaries.

Instead of New Year resolutions, I decided to reflect on what I've learned this year and carry it to 2015.

Making friends is hard for me. - I don't return phone calls, and I dread going out. Starbucks anyone?

Allie Brosh

Instincts - Trust my OWN.. not someone else's limited view of my reality!

This too shall pass / Just keep swimming - Time heals, changes, and delivers. Unfortunately, time seems to move very slowly when you're swimming upstream.

Forgiveness -  Easier said than done, but rewarding in the end. God calls us to forgive everyone.

Self Discovery - Scary to look into the darkness of my faults, and feel shitty. And even harder was it to accept that I am a good person because I try. I try hard to be a good mother, wife, and christian. I tend to put others first so I often repress my needs, which in turn builds a bubble of selfishness. What about MEEE! 

Allie Brosh

Skeletons - I let them out of the closet to dance freely... Feels GOOD! God helped, with this burden.

It doesn't matter what other people think!   - Not just a lesson I learned, I'm actively passing this on to my children! I

I am a sinner - So are YOU! 

I need God every day! - Daily devotions give me guidance.

Favorite Books 2014

Stephen King - On Writing
Quiet - Susan Cain