Sunday, May 15, 2016

Happy 8th Birthday Samuel!

Grandpa W* put together an amazing map that led to the treasure.
The rain did not detour these adventurers! 

The archaeological dig was a hit! 

The kids all loved their treasure chests! Sam decorated 3, and I did the rest. ;)

Friday, May 13, 2016

What an intersting day!

All of my kids were super nice today. This morning I went to the mall w/ Maddy and Emma to buy Sams bday present. Maddy with her own $$ bought Emma a build a bear horse! Later baby sat, painted a bird house w/ Emma and dressed her up w/ bows in her hair. Usually don't believe in the cosmic thing.. but hmmm today sure was interesting!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Happy 13th Birthday M*

Emma decorated her cookie! 

Celebrated this year with Jenny, Zoe, and Tiffany at Oaks Park.